chapter 2 <~roses and blood~>

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Before we start:

Warnings: blood, gore, mentions of readers past, rape, JJ being a jealous b!+ch (I have nothing against her, she's just a little rude as of right now.)

Also, there were a few things I didn't mention but uh, as the story continues, more of readers past will reveal

Ok I'll stop talking now.


Spencers P.O.V

I was at my desk, talking to Morgan about Y/n, the girl I met yesterday.

"I'm telling you, she's gorgeous. Ok Morgan, she may be a Librarian. But she's sweet." I said, trying to mask my blushing face.

"Sure Reid. But listen, be careful around her. You never know, she sounds like someone who could be hurt you did say she looked a little nervous talking to you." Morgan said, looking concerned and happy for me at the same time, while also knowing about my engagement.

"Yeah yeah. I'll be careful." I said.

"Hey, you two, we've got another case." Hotch said, and headed into the conference room. Morgan and I following close behind.

As everyone sat down, Garcia was looking happy yet worried as usual.

"Pack your bags and bring a swimsuit. Your going to Florida." Garcia said. "Last night, two women were found, brutally raped and beaten, with a rose head in her mouth." She said, clicking a button on the remote and showing the pictures. I try my best to keep a straight face, the women looking horrible.

"Why would the unsub leave a rose head in her mouth?" Emily said, confusion evident in her voice.

"Maybe a sign of remorse?" Luke said. "The unsub may feel bad for what he did" he said, trying not to gag.

"Why rape and torture a girl only to turn around and put a rose head in her mouth, it doesn't make sense, he clearly gets off from the rose, the rose means something to him." Morgan said, clearly pissed that someone is doing this to a woman.

"Whatever it is, we need to stop him. Wheels up in 30." Hotch said, getting up and leaving.

On the BAUs private plane

Spencers P.O.V

"Morgan and Emily will go to the crime scene, Spencer and JJ will go to the police station to set up. Luke, Rossi and I will go to the morgue." Hotch said.

While I waited for the plane to land, I kept thinking about the librarian. "Shes so sweet...snap out of it Spencer! Your engaged for christ sake!" I quickly snapped out of my thoughts and looked out the window, watch the clouds go by.

When the plane landed, we all headed off to our tasks, and JJ was talking about something, I wasn't really listening because my thoughts were elsewhere.

Love at first insight &lt;~a Spencer Reid x reader~&gt;Where stories live. Discover now