Chapter 5

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(Hizashi's P.O.V.)

Once Shouta had left, I pulled out my chair and had Akiyama sit in it. "Okay, I am going to start the lesson, I know that this may get a little boring, so if you want you can just color on these pages here. If you need something, just call me, okay?" I said as I stood up. I placed the blank paper in front of her along with a few highlighters and some pencils. I found colored pencils too. All I got from her was a nod and a small smile. I gave her a big one in return and faced the class who had everything out already.

"Okay listeners, as you all know, there is one thing that a lot of you aren't understanding. I know that learning English is hard, but trust me, out of everything you learn at this school, English is the one thing that helps you out in everything. There are a few things that come along with being a Pro Hero, can any of you tell me what you believe one of the more important things are?" I asked. I saw only a few people raise their hands. "Bakugo, tell me one thing." I said. "Kicking ass!" He yelled. "As much as hand-to-hand combat is part of the job, that's not what I am looking for. Tokoyami, what about you?" I said and looked at Tokoyami. "Saving people." He said. "Simple and short, but not what I am looking for." I said and looked around the room to find one more person.

Kaminari has his hand up, but not raised in the air. Believe it or not, he is one of the top students in this class. He has a low A, but I am really impressed with how much he has grown over the last two years. "Kaminari, could you tell me what you think one of the more important aspects are to being a Pro Hero?" I asked him with a smile. He looked a little shocked that I called him, but it shouldn't come as a surprise. "Um, I think communication is really important." "Okay, can you explain a little more as to why you believe that?" I said with a bigger smile. 'Going in the right direction now.' I thought as Kaminari took a minute to explain.

"Well, no matter where we are, communication is vital to everyone and anything. If you don't have good communication, you could screw up a really important mission and lives could be at stake. I think that being with being a Pro Hero, it is expected that we can communicate with one another in any given situation. And how we word things could make or break a deal you make with others, wether it's with another Hero Agency or with another person in general. I just think that Communication is really important." He said. I said it before and I'll say it again, he really has impressed me. Not only me but the whole class as well. "Very well-done Kaminari. Just the Answer I was looking for." I said as I gave him a smile.

I walked up to the dry erase board and wrote a few words as I talked. "With being a Pro Hero, as Kaminari had said, is it indeed expected of us to communicate with another Hero in any situation we may come across. As well as it is expected that we can communicate smoothly and correctly. For example, the word there, spelt T-H-E-R-E, is used in a sentence to describe a general location. If someone were to ask me, 'where are the villains?', and all I said in return is, 'over there', how would the other Hero know where exactly I am referring too? This last test I had you do was focused on distinguishing between the three there, their, and they're, the the two your and you're. Sadly, there are only four people that managed to pass the test with a B or higher. As a result, those four will be the ones to help the rest of you relearn and give tips on how to remember them. When sending emails, it is important to wright the correct spelling of the word unless you want to get a five-page lecture in return about how you used one single incorrect spelling of there and have to rewrite the email again. The four who can give tips and what not are Yaoyorozu, Ida, Bakugo, and last but not least, Kaminari. Split up however you want, but study these on the board." I explained to the class as I wrote the correct spelling of the three there's and the two yours. They struggled with this last year as well but how could they not understand it? They are seventeen for crying out loud. Well I mean it is English though so I can understand.' I thought as I looked as everyone paired up.

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