𝔄𝔩𝔩 𝔄𝔯𝔬𝔲𝔫𝔡 𝔐𝔢

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After a few weeks, Lilith seamlessly integrated into her life with her newfound sisters. The warmth of love and acceptance that surrounded her was a novel experience, one she hadn't truly known before. Despite the ever-present threat of the impending apocalypse and the looming figure of Michael, she found herself in a state of contentment. It was a happiness she hadn't tasted in a long time, a feeling of liberation from the heavy burdens of her past.

Although she reveled in this newfound goodness, a persistent voice in the back of her mind clawed for attention. Dark urges lurked beneath her transformed exterior, occasionally bubbling to the surface, but she persevered. She had hoped that her newfound life would quell these urges, but she quickly realized it was a battle she might face for the rest of her life. Nevertheless, she found solace in the knowledge that she was now on the path of righteousness.

On this particular day, she strolled through the lush gardens of the academy alongside her fellow sisters. Their mission was to gather herbs for a dish that Myrtle had planned to prepare. The verdant Louisiana air filled her lungs as she took a deep breath, savoring the scent of damp earth and blooming flowers. It was as if the fragrances of the garden were a soothing balm to her senses, a reminder of the beauty that could still flourish even in the face of impending doom.

As Myrtle continued her lesson on the various plants and their practical applications, Lilith's gaze became fixed on a rosebush nearby. Her fingers extended cautiously, reaching out to brush the velvety petals, only to be met by an unexpected prick from a thorn. Silently, she winced at the sharp pain, inspecting her finger as a tiny bead of blood welled up. Although the wound healed rapidly, leaving no trace of injury, the blood lingered, like a poignant reminder of her past.

Memories flooded her thoughts, tugging at the strings of her heart as she stared at the tiny cut. It seemed that not a day went by without some mention or recollection of Michael. Even in his absence, he lingered in the recesses of her mind, a constant presence that haunted her. The last thing she wanted was to confront Michael with violence, understanding that beneath his sinister exterior, he was merely a frightened soul seeking approval from his father. But deep down she knew there was no other way.

Suddenly, a loud whining sound shattered the moment, diverting the attention of all the sisters. Lilith, still lost in her thoughts, wiped the blood from her thumb with a casual lick, her focus drifting to the source of the commotion. It led her to a surprising discovery: an injured deer, clearly in distress.

A strange sensation welled up within her, an inexplicable urge to help the wounded creature. Ignoring the curious and bewildered glances of her fellow sisters, Lilith approached the animal. It was a sensation both strangely familiar and utterly foreign, like traversing a path she had never walked before yet somehow knew by heart.

Kneeling beside the deer, she hesitated for a moment, her hands hovering above the injured creature. Taking a deep breath, she concentrated, her eyes closed in intense focus. When she finally opened her eyes, the deer's injuries had vanished, leaving the once-injured animal whole and healthy. With a startled leap, the deer bounded away, disappearing into the surrounding foliage.

Lilith let out a breath of amazement and surprise, staring at her hands in awe. Her gaze then shifted to her fellow sisters, each of them equally stunned by the inexplicable healing they had just witnessed. But it was Myrtle, with a look of profound shock on her face, who captured Lilith's attention the most, as she grappled with the reality of what had just occurred.

In her bedroom, Lilith sat on the floor, her back against the wall, surrounded by a scattering of printed photographs from her family's album. Her fingers flipped through the images, each one a poignant reminder of the past. Tears streaked down her cheeks, leaving glistening trails in their wake as she moved through the cherished memories.

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