𝔄𝔰 𝔄𝔟𝔬𝔳𝔢, 𝔖𝔬 𝔅𝔢𝔩𝔬𝔴

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Lilith lay still upon her bed, enveloped in a contemplative haze as the illusory dance of kaleidoscope-colored butterflies played tricks on her vision. The past week had woven itself into a complex string of events, each thread intertwining with the next, forming a mosaic of uncertainty.

As she grappled with the revelation of Michael's identity as the Antichrist, Lilith embarked on a journey to deepen her allegiance to Satanism, an attempt to align herself with the teachings she had been exposed to. Yet, despite her efforts, a persistent whisper lingered in the recesses of her mind, urging her to embrace a path of goodness and virtue.

However, a more formidable presence, one shrouded in darkness, consumed her thoughts and desires. While her moral compass yearned for the luminous path of righteousness, there existed an undeniable allure in the shadows, beckoning her towards an enigmatic and alluring destiny. Her internal struggle was suffocating—morality tugging at her heartstrings while an unquenchable yearning for a darker purpose coursed through her veins.

It was like Odette and Odile engaged in a relentless struggle for control over her heart, and Lilith stood as the conflicted prince in this internal ballet. An endless dance unfolded, a perpetual sway between opposing principles.

The looming specter of the ritual only added to the weight of her contemplation. The notion of choice felt increasingly elusive as destiny seemed to tighten its grip, pulling her inexorably towards a future laden with uncertainty and darkness.


Lilith's reverie was interrupted by the gentle sound of Nyx's voice, pulling her from her thoughts. Her gaze shifted towards the open doorway, where her sister stood, lightly tapping on the doorframe.

"Hey," Lilith replied, adjusting her posture to sit up in bed.

Nyx's entrance was accompanied by a fleeting assessment of the room's cleanliness, a silent acknowledgment of the events that had transpired since her last visit.

Slowly, Nyx climbed onto the bed, settling down beside her sister. They assumed a cross-legged position, facing each other in the quietude that enveloped them.

Lilith's sigh hinted at resignation and contemplation. Her sister's eyes met hers, a silent understanding shared between them.

"Have you killed someone?" Nyx's curiosity broke through, her question hanging in the air.

Lilith's expression shifted, lips pursed as she pondered how to respond. The silence spoke volumes, confirming Nyx's suspicions.

"I knew a sacrifice had to be made to sell your soul, but I didn't realize it was so literal." Nyx mused, a mixture of surprise and realization coloring her words.

"Tell me about it." Lilith managed to stifle a laugh, acknowledging the surreal nature of their reality.

"Did you like it?" Nyx probed further, her gaze penetrating Lilith's.

"Honestly?" A momentary pause followed, Lilith, taking a deep breath before opening up. "I think a little part of me did."

Nyx took Lilith's hands into her own, a gesture of solidarity and understanding. "You have to do the ritual, Lili. Isn't this who we are? Who we were meant to be?"

"Nyx..." Lilith's voice wavered, caught between the pull of tradition and the tug of her heart.

"You could go crazy if you don't... you could hurt yourself. You're the only person on this earth that understands me." Nyx implored, her plea carrying the weight of the bond they shared.

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