CHAPTER 4: Paper puppets take 2

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Rocky looked up at the rude girl, she had pink hair tied into a bun. Along with a pink cardigan and a black shirt.

The girl rolled her eyes and was about to leave, but someone stopped her. A lady with black hair with her roots dyed brown, she also wore a floral print dress.

"Slipper, you can't say that to a kid" she said to the girl known as Slipper.

Slipper jsu rolled her eyes and ripped her hand out of the other girl's hand, "whatever Ukelele just remembered who saved you from being put up for elimination" Slipper said. Before walking away.

The lady named Ukelele just sighed, her face had a look of disappointment on it.
Rocky tilted his head, wonder why she was sad.
She looked down at Rocky, and gave him a small smile.

"How about we get you to Golden Ingot, hm?" She held out a hand for Rocky to grab onto, Rocky took her hand and they both walked over to the white fancy house.

Once they got there, Ukelele knock on the door and a sliver hair girl answered the door.
"Oh hey Ukelele, this isn't the best time to ask when's the next challenge is" she said before slowly closing the door.

But Ukelele stopped it with her foot, "I'm sorry but this isn't about the competition" Ukelele told the sliver hair girl.
Ukelele open the door fully to reveal Rocky next to her.

The sliver hair girl eyes widen seeing the child next to the contestant. Soon enough she let them in, the two took a seat at the table.
The sliver hair girl microwaved some TV dinner and place it infront of Rocky.
Which Rocky happily ate, it's been awhile since Rocky had actually ate.

The delicious lemon squares don't count.

Rocky had teleported out before Bryce even got the pizza. Rocky didn't even get food at the second place he went either.

"So kid, where did you come from?" The sliver hair girl asked. Rocky stopped eating and looked up at her, Rocky didn't know how to respond this time.

He came up with various to introduce himself, but how was he going to tell them about Tpot?

"Can you not speak?" Ukelele asked Rocky. Rocky opened his mouth but instead of words.


Rocky had puke on the blue carpeted floor, the sliver hair girl immediately went into panic mood as she took paper towels and began to wipe the puke away.
Muttering the words 'oh no' multiple times.

"Oh no- do you need some help Sliver?" Ukelele asked the poor girl. "No no, just- uh... I don't know!!" The sliver hair girl was clearly panicking. Rocky was kinda worried if he accidentally messed up.

Sliver continue to clean up Rocky's mess as she continued to muttered on how screwed she is, if this Golden Ingot person catches her.

Rocky could only look away in guilt as he silently ate his food.
Once most of the puke was wiped away, Sliver sat back at the table. She layed her head on the table, tired from cleaning the mess Rocky made. Ukelele gently rubbed her back.

Once Rocky was done, he pushed forward his plate. Ukelele took it upon herself to wash it.

Sliver stood up, resting her head on her hand. "So how did you get here?" She asked the young boy.
Rocky perked up and was going to grab the item, but that's when he realized it wasn't near him.

Rocky forgot to pick it up. The face of worried appeared, Rocky was terrified at the thought of not being able to go home.

"Hey hey, just take a deep breath kid" Sliver said trying to comfort the boy. Rocky took a deep breath than exhaled, Rocky looked at Sliver with a pouted look.

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