CHAPTER 5: Team S' fucked up

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Team S scrambled around their team's floor, in search of Rocky.

Cloudy had trusted Team S' to take care of Rocky before he was eliminated from Tpot. Now there they were, flipping over couch cushions, checking under the beds.
Removing all the toys out of Ice cube's and Rocky's toy bin, and turning the place upside down just for that kid.

"DID ANYONE FIND HIM?!?" Winner yelled out from where they were searching.

"NOPE!!" Bottle responded.

"NOT HERE!!" Yellow face yelled.


"Have you found him Icy?" They asked the little girl who had just came out of the room next to their.
She shook her head, "aw man... where could Rocky have gone?" Winner wondered.

"I don't know Winner, but let's all agree not to tell Two and the other teams. Especially 'Just Not'" Clock declared, it didn't take much to the others to agree.

"Wait why? What could be so bad about team 'Just Not'?" Winner asked their team.

"Oh you don't know!" Bottle said in suprise.

"Know what?"

"Nickel is Rocky's older brother" Bottle said in her normal cheerful tone, "and if he EVER finds out we lost his baby brother. He'll tell his dad and they'll both come for all of our heads!" Clock said, finishing Bottle's sentence.

"Oh that does sound bad" Winner muttered.

"Yeah, Balloony is one of those overprotective types of dads" Yellow face told them.

"Alright, thanks for that"


"But wouldn't it be better if we told them?" Winner suggested.

"Told who?" Ice cube asked, "the other teams? I'm sure death pact wouldn't mind helping" Winner said.

"Do you really want them to look down on us? Of course, no one would look down on you Winner" Clock said.

"Uh huh..." Winner nodded, uncomfortable with Clock's need to please them. The team regroup in the hallway outside of their team's floor. "So uh... What now?" Winner asked their team.

"Anything you want Winner" Clock smile widely at Winner, making him extra uncomfortable.
"Clock, stop pushing yourself into Winner's bubble!" Bottle said, pushing Clock away from Winner.

"Oh right! Sorry winner" Clock quickly apologized. "It's... Alright..." Winner said with a hint of uncertainty in their voice.

"Well I suggest we look through the other teams floors, maybe Rocky could be on one of the floors" Yellow face suggested.

"That's a great idea Yellow face, alright one for each floor" Winner ordered.

They gave Clock team 'are you okay's floor, Bottle Team Death P.A.C.T again floor, Yellow face Team8 floor. IceCube the strongest team on earth floor, and gave themselves 'Just Not' floor.

"Are you sure you want team 'Just Not' floor? I can switch with you" Bottle suggested.

"Nah it's alright" Winner shrugged it off, actually there was a reason why they chose to take 'Just Not' floor. It was because it was the furthest one from the floor they gave Clock.

Bottle wasn't the brightest of the bunch. But she did know that Winner would accidentally tell someone about it, and since they were going to 'Just Not' floor. They might accidentally run into someone from that team and tell them!

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