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Luck, when someone utters this very word, it makes them question if the such a thing even exists, say by chance, you happen to get the last of an item you desperately wanted, some would say that's good luck, in another example, you end up caught in a freak rain storm that results in your car getting totaled, back luck, contrary to popular belief, luck, does not exist, what we see and do is all based on good or bad judgement combined with convenience, many typical cases where luck can occur could happen at any day of the week by sheer coincidence, or prior knowledge, but to a certain white-haired boy, the word might as well be a poison, the family was driving back from a rather hot day at the beach, the Louds were able to enjoy themselves, all except Lincoln, sitting in the rear of the van, he was still sweating like crazy in the squirrel costume his family was making him wear out of fear of their superstitions, he took the head off a number of times to vent out the heat, but every single time, Lola shouted at him to put it back on, it eventually got to a point where a few of his other sisters got on his case for it as well, the boy argued it was too hot for him to keep wearing the costume in the intense heat, and thankfully Lisa backed up that claim, being wary, Rita and Lynn Sr. allowed him 5 minutes out of the suit, it didn't even last that long as, a minute out of his prison, Lana was caught in a rip current, Lynn Jr. saved her and all Lincoln got was more glares from his family, so without uttering a word he put the suit back on, no more incidents happened since, the boy was panting hard inside the costume to try and regulate his body temperature 

Lincoln: Can I please take this thing off 

Lori: No Lincoln, what if the van breaks down again 

Lincoln to himself: It broke down several times before all of this happened 

Lincoln: Can I at least have some water 

Luna, who was sitting next to the cooler, popped it open and tossed it to the young man, using as much grip as he could to hold the bottle, Lincoln lifted the head enough to reveal his mouth before he hungrily drank down the contents, as he was chugging, he looked out the window and noticed a large sign for the beach, "Rip Current Advisory, use caution when swimming', he practically spat out his water on the back of the seat in front of him 

Lincoln thinking: Wasn't that sign up when we got here 

At that moment, Vanzilla hit a pothole, causing the boy to lose his grip on the still-open water bottle 

Lincoln: Aw come on 

His costume wasn't flexible enough to let him pick up his fallen drink, Lola noticed the floor was a bit wet under her seat, and given what Lincoln asked earlier 

Lola: DAAAD, Lincoln spilled his water on the floor 

Lynn Sr. in stern tone: Lincoln, you're keeping that costume on for the rest of the ride 

Lincoln in defeated tone: Yes dad 

He just hoped this ride wouldn't last forever, when the family finally got home, they talked about the fun times they had at the beach, at the same time, Lincoln was also chastised for taking off his suit, he argued he was allowed to, but this went fell on deaf ears, the boy sulked up to his room, which wasn't boarded up thankfully, opening the door, he saw his little place of piece was stripped of all of its furniture, his clothing, laptop, and even toys were stacked in clear plastic storage bins, it looked more like an actual closet instead of a room to call his own now, silently closing the door, Lincoln finally slipped out of his costume, he was smelly, sweaty, and the inside was no better, due to not being allowed to use the bathroom without the costume on, and since there weren't any holes to use as an exit for his waste, he regrettably had to go inside the suit, Lincoln gave a heart-felt sigh as he felt his skin cool in the air conditioned room, before staring at the costume in disgust, it's only been a day since Lynn's last game and he was regretting his choice to use the costume 

The Loud House: No Such Luck AftermathWhere stories live. Discover now