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Lincoln sat in the Santiago's living room, fidgeting ever so slightly in anticipation, since it was Saturday, his parents promised to take him out for a fun time at Dairy Land, the Loud boy was both excited and nervous, he wouldn't pass up a trip to Dairy Land for the life of him, but being with the adults whom he thought would've dispelled this situation easily had brought about the doubts that came with it, it could just be stubbornness on his part, but Lincoln still held some bitterness towards his birth givers, if someone like Lisa could fall for a simple hoax, what was there to say that his parents wouldn't, with how readily they bought the rumor, it secretly shocked Lincoln how it was easy for them to treat him like he was just a random boy they found on the street and had been living with them since, who knows, maybe that is the case, did his parents find him as an abandoned baby and take him in, he never did find out why his hair was white, Lincoln sighed inwardly, sure, he could be mad at his parents to a degree, but who was the one who helped spread the rumor around, who was willing to lie to his family over ridiculous circumstances when he probably could've asked for some 'me' time, Lincoln felt as if a giant arrow was pointing at his face right now, talking with Rita two days ago helped bring the more compassionate side of him back out, and he felt a bit closer to his mother again as she acknowledged the role herself and Lynn Sr. played, the fact Rita outright acknowledged that herself and Lynn deserved prison time still terrified Lincoln, just a week ago, he seemed so certain to blow the whistle on his parents; but now, his heart was breaking just thinking about it, it was a question he didn't ever want to answer, every few minutes, Lincoln took his focus off the TV to glance at the clock, Ronnie Anne and Bobby sat on either side of him, eyes glued to the boob tube, Maria was working a weekend shift at the hospital, but Arturo was working from his home office today, still having little reason to trust the Louds, Mr. Santiago wanted to make sure Lincoln came back to his house safe and unharmed, so, what better way than to arrange a curfew, Ronnie Anne suggested that she could go with Lincoln, naturally, Arturo refused to put his daughter in harm's way, Bobby stole a glance at Lincoln out of the corner of his eye, seeing the Loud boy looking at the clock again 

Bobby: Excited bro 

Lincoln nodded: In a way 

Ronnie Anne: Still wish I could go 

She grumbled from her slouched position on the couch 

Bobby: You know dad's just looking out for you Ron-Ron 

Ronnie Anne: I can handle myself, thank you 

Roberto gave an incredulous look 

Bobby: No offense sis, but against two old adults, I doubt it, plus, if they kidnap Lincoln, would you want to be part of that 

Ronalda pursed her lips 

Ronnie Anne: At least we'd be together 

Roberto smirked a little, it seemed Nie Nie and Lincoln got much closer than usual 

Bobby: Even so, dad said--- 

Arturo from the office: No daughter of mine is gonna be kidnapped, cause if you do, I'm gonna have to go to jail since by the end of it, someone is gonna be dead and it won't be me 

Bobby: Yeah, that 

The sound of a car horn got everyone's attention, looking through the open curtain, Lincoln and the Santiago children spotted Vanzilla parked next to the curb 

The Loud House: No Such Luck AftermathWhere stories live. Discover now