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A few minutes after Lynn's 'talk' with Arturo, the patriarch heard the front door being opened and closed, he saw Leni pass by the dining room entrance with a happy look on her face, while Rita had a look of relief, the mother looked towards her husband 

Rita: Hey Lynn, how's--- 

She paused, noting the troubled look on Lynn's face 

Rita: Something wrong 

Lynn Sr.: A couple things actually 

He put dinner in the oven to be cooked 

Lynn Sr.: Want the long version or the short one 

Rita: Does it involve Lincoln 

The father nodded, making Rita's breath hitch a little 

Rita: Long version then 

Lynn Sr.: So, I was cooking dinner when the phone started ringing, I answered it, and turns out it was Mr. Santiago, seems Lincoln finally told them about what really happened, I thought he already did when we found out where he was staying, but they never called the house before, in short, Mr. Santiago threatened to pulverize me if we don't make it up to Lincoln, or at least I think he did, half of what he said was in Spanish 

The father leaned against the counter 

Lynn Sr.: It's almost been a week since Lincoln left, and we haven't talked with him since, he probably thinks we don't care about him 

While Lynn Sr. was talking, Leni came back downstairs to grab a smoothie before another sibling meeting was to start, the blonde was about to walk into the kitchen when she heard her parents in what seemed like a serious discussion, not wanting to interrupt, the fashionista was about to walk back to her and Lori's room when the mention of Lincoln reached her ears, keeping out of view, she peeked at her parents from behind the wall 

Rita: Sweetie, if Lincoln really thought that, then he wouldn't be giving us a second chance, we're already skating on thin ice here 

Lynn Sr.: Yes, but he probably cares more about his sisters than us, I mean, he's already forgiven the twins, I just feel that it'll be a while before he even thinks about forgiving us 

Rita: Mmm 

Rita hummed for a moment 

Rita: I wanted to call Lincoln throughout the day, but every time I did, I just got nervous and froze, I'm not sure how he'd react to hearing one of us talking to him again, at one point, I finally did get the courage to actually dial his number, but he didn't answer, I'm hoping that next time I try calling, he doesn't just hang up the phone 

She thought about her daughters, who seemed to be in better spirits, all except one 

Rita: Call it mother's tuition, but I think if anyone will have the hardest time making it up to Lincoln, it would be junior, she's been, like Lucy, ever since this whole thing began, she's taking it harder than the rest of us, seeing as while we all had a hand in driving our son away, she got into a fight with him and said some, harsh words 

She sat in one of the chairs at the table 

Rita: I know it's gonna be weird speaking to Lincoln again, but it seems like Lynn is fearful of him, even though she said he didn't hurt her last time they saw each other 

The Loud House: No Such Luck AftermathWhere stories live. Discover now