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Conner: Ugh, this is stupid 

Conner swore to himself as he stood timidly against the lockers that morning, he tapped his foot in an effort to keep his ever increasing anxiety at bay, but this did little to steel his nerves, his arms were folded behind his back, holding a bouquet of yellow flowers and a box filled with chocolates, it was assumed that most girls liked flowers, and the Pingrey boy figured it'd be the best way to apologize to Cristina, the color, at Carol's suggestion, would imply Conner wanted to start over and hopefully rebuild their friendship, Conner would've picked red, but Carol's teasing made him reconsider, he really wanted her to just shut her mouth about it, unfortunately, the teen also suggested that he grab some chocolates as a fail safe, and, being the dutiful meddling sister she was, Carol combed his hair before he left for school, the 11 year old redid his due as soon as he got on the bus and out Carol's hawk-like sight, all he was doing was apologizing, not dressing to impress, although, as Conner looked up at a mirror on the ceiling corner, he did look a bit handsome with the getup his sister picked out, it also helped hide his identity from anyone who might be trying to figure out who the phoney Lincoln was, as Conner learned in an unexpected encounter, while he was walking the halls that morning, he came within sight of the same girl who chased him down yesterday, the boy grew extremely unnerved and tried to turn around, but that was next to impossible with several students blocking the way behind him, Lynn just gave him a passing glance before going on her way, that chance meeting may have only lasted a few seconds, but Conner was certain he'd meet his end right then and there, a group of students walked passed the Pingrey child from his left, and it was then that he finally saw the girl he was looking for, his heart started to race as she approached, his palms becoming a little sweaty, this was it; no turning back now, either Conner was about to make peace with Cristina, or cause even more public embarrassment for both of them, Cristina grumbled to herself as she shuffled her way to her locker, day 2 of the 'Lincstina' shenanigans was already off to a bad start. As soon as she got on the bus, her two friends asked if she knew her 'boyfriend' was hanging with Ronnie Anne, the redhead repeated the same thing she preached the day before as if it was the most obvious thing in the world, but like yesterday, her friends acted like walls of steel and ignored her facts, to make it even worse, one or two boys whose names escaped her tried to hit on her, they claimed they'd make better partners than Lincoln would, even though there was still some hesitation on their part given the beating the Loud gave to 5 boys the previous week, naturally, Cristina just blew them off, though one snarky comment about how she 'won't resist him soon' left said smart mouth on the floor holding his groin, school had an odd way of making your life a living hell, and Cristina just wanted this day to be over, even if she still had to wait 6 whole hours, her mind sorted through a few people that drew her ire the most, she was still pissed that Chandler caused all the crap that was happening, she was still mad at Conner for being a dunce and following along with the idiot for some cash, and as a whole, much of her class for just being morons and sheep for not putting two and two together, it was like she was a lighthouse standing above a sea of idiots,  and for whatever reason, it still hadn't clued people in that the redhead and Lincoln had no interaction yesterday and even this morning, as far as 'contact' would be concerned, she had spotted the white-haired boy with his friends by their lockers, and gave them a wide berth, sadly, some just chalked it off as the two not wanting to show their relationship in public, wanna have another dose of irony, Cristina swore Lincoln and Ronnie Anne had a thing going on before this shipping crap began, the Latina appeared to be pranking Lincoln like usual at times, but Cristina could see it more as teasing than an actual prank, her suspicions were confirmed after seeing the two hold hands in the hall, and speaking of hand-holding, Cristina eyed where her locker was, possibly the last boy she wanted to see right now was standing there with something behind his back, Conner and Cristina locked eyes, the boy's filled with nervousness as he started to shrink under the girl's heated glare, if he were to pay close attention, Conner would've noticed that Cristina's mean look softened slightly as she checked out his attire, she also noticed his hair was blonde now 

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