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The past three days nearly went by in a blur, but it was filled with constant activity and gossip, word of the two fights made it to the headlines within a few hours, spreading quite rapidly among social media to the point that roughly half the state at least acknowledged it, judging from the reports given by all witnesses available, included the battered teens who tried to downplay the incident, it became clear to the police who was guilty and who was innocent, outraged about what happened to their children, the parents of the Louds, Santiago's, and Pingrey's started pressing charges, the police debated on whether the case would be heard in the juvenile or regular circuits, as the guilty party aged from 13-15, taking into account the injuries given to Lynn and the other elementary-grade kids, it was decided to have the hearing take place in the regular courts, a hearing was to be scheduled within the coming weeks, mirroring their sentiments, the general consensus praised those who came to the defense of the smaller children; more specifically, Lynn Loud Jr, while she was slated to be bed ridden for roughly a month, the Loud was immediately visited by several of her peers who applauded her for her bravery, determination, and outright awesomeness, Lynn tried to not let it get to her head, but couldn't help bragging about some of her feats, it was quite comical to see her acting so happy despite her current state, though it may also be due to the fact Lynn had to take strong pain killers every 6 hours, Lori and Carol also received the same treatment, as various members of their class felt their arrest was rather uncalled for and expressed their hopefulness that their respective siblings were doing ok, not only that, while the two still weren't back into the usual swing of their relationship, Bobby did talk more with Lori than he previously did over the last two weeks, he also shared that Ronnie Anne was getting better, though she had trouble eating something without it coming back up, with Conner, he was very thankful for Carol coming to his defense, though now he was very nervous about getting on her bad side, in a rare moment of happiness, Cassandra actually hugged Conner, she still hadn't smiled, but told Conner she was quite unnerved at the thought of him winding up in the hospital, the Pingrey boy didn't feel as convinced since Cassy still lacked some emotion in her tone, but took it anyways, as for Lincoln, in spite of his announcement to return home, he delayed it by a day in order to spend time with an ailing Ronnie Anne, Maria gave the school a note to have him take the rest of the week off so he could rest, though, there wasn't much resting for this Loud, he still felt guilty about not doing anything to help Ronalda, even stating that he 'failed to protect her as a boyfriend,' Ronalda promptly gave him a light bop to the head when he said that, telling him that she was supposed to protect him, per Lynn's orders, not the other way around, the tomboy even bragged about getting some good licks in before they stuffed her in the trash, the little Latina topped it off by telling Lincoln it wasn't his fault; getting blindsided before anything started could attest to that, even more so, Ronnie Anne expressed her own worries about what would've happened to Lincoln since she was tossed down the street, while Lynn intervened before those thoughts could come to pass, Ronnie Anne felt a hefty amount of guilt after seeing the state the jock was in before she was taken home, she reminded herself to pay Lynn a visit once she felt like she wasn't about to spray stomach bile everywhere, regardless of her condition, it didn't stop Lincoln from just being there for the tomboy, Ronnie hated to admit it, but being treated like a princess did feel nice, Ronalda supposed it might have been due to the numerous times Lincoln had been forced to play butler for Lola, unlike the tea parties, he was actually enjoying himself, and Ronnie Anne didn't make him do meaningless tasks, a day later, it was time for Lincoln to finally leave the house, even though Ronnie Anne tried to take it in stride, Lincoln and Bobby caught a few tears leaving her eyes, Lincoln promised he'd call her every day, to which the Santiago girl grimaced slightly and told him to do it every 2 days at the least, last thing anyone wanted was for them to wind up like Lori and Bobby and ride up the phone bills, she also had to fight the urge to leave a nice heart-shaped mark on his lips; having the taste of bile in your mouth was just horrible, so a tight hug sufficed, all it took was 6 minutes worth of riding shotgun before Lincoln would see that familiar, old house with toys scattered on the lawn and roof, the boy breathed a content sigh 

The Loud House: No Such Luck AftermathWhere stories live. Discover now