→ one | royal proclamation

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"The children of the Isle will be here

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"The children of the Isle will be here."


Once upon a time, long, long ago... well, more like 20 years ago... Belle married Prince Adam in front of 6,000 of their closest personal friends. But, instead of a honeymoon, Beast united all of the kingdoms and got himself elected king of the United States of Auradon. Well most of the kingdoms. A handful of the smaller more distant kingdoms rejected the unification of the world and chose to remain independent. One of these kingdoms was, Avalor. A small yet beautiful island kingdom far from the coast of Auradon.

Throughout the years, the kingdom has gone through many challenges, but the reign of Queen Elena and her husband Gabriel allowed the kingdom to prosper and be at peace for many years. But grief and loss struck the people of Avalor in the worst way possible.

The Queen and King's eldest child, Alejandro Castillo Núñez, was gone after an attack of the palace. Their daughter Katrina Luisa Núñez Flores took the spot of heir to the throne, and thus began her journey. For the next three years, Katrina pushed herself to her limits in learning everything she could to become a proper ruler, she went to every meeting she could and observed her parents as well.

When she was 14, her parents believed it was best for her education to go to Auradon and receive a full education in preparation for ruling. She was excited to reunite with her old friends there and explore a almost completely new kingdom.

When she arrived in Auradon, she reunited with her old friends she would play with as kids: Ben, Jane, and Audrey. They helped her settle into her new school and the group quickly all reconnect like nothing changed. Katrina focused primarily on her studies but also helped her friends whenever they were in need. Since Ben was also the future king of Auradon, he shared a similar pressure as Kat. They grew close in helping one another with the stress. As they grew older, Ben asked Kat to become his advisory until she was 18 when she would later take the Avalorian throne. She gladly accepted, and helped Ben with anything she could. Due to her father being the General of Avalor, she also helped with security for the school every once in a while.

As Ben's 16th birthday was approaching, he had grown more and more stressed which Katrina had taken notice of. He finally told her it was nerves about becoming king and his future decrees. What he didn't tell her was the exact reason.


Ben had called for his best friend and parents to come to his room as he was getting his coronation suit fitted. He looked out the window at the Isle of the Lost, he knew this was a good decision to make, he just wasn't sure how everyone would react. A light knock shook him out of his thoughts as the tall brunette known as his advisor came in.

Katrina Flores was a tall brunette girl with glowing tan skin. On most occasions, she wore a red v-neck with baggy black jeans since she hated the immobility of dresses and skirts, only wearing them for events. Her long dark brown hair was tied back in a simple ponytail and was slightly frizzy from the day.

As she walked in, she smiled at Ben before plopping down on his desk chair which he smiled at.

"So, are you finally gonna tell me what's up?" she asked with a small smirk, hating the secrecy but knowing Ben wouldn't crack.

"Nope, You'll have to wait and find out."

On that note she tilted her head back and groaned dramatically to emphasize how much she hated the wait. They pair joked around slightly as Ben continued to get his suit fixed before his parents entered the room.

"How is it possible that you're gonna be crowned king next month? You're just a baby!" King Adam's voice announced their presence as he joked with his son. Belle quickly chimed in, "He's turning 16, dear."

As Ben said hi to his parents, Kat stood up and lightly bowed to the rulers before Belle gave the girl a hug, seeing her as a daughter. "Dear, you know you don't have to bow, we've known you for how many years now? You're practically family."
"I know, force of habit" Katrina said with a small grin before reciprocating the hug. The moment was quickly interrupted with Adam's teasing comments.

"16? That's far too young to be crowned king. I didn't make a good decision until I was at least 42."

"Uh, you decided to marry me at 28." Knowing he was in trouble he quickly covers his jokes,

"Ah, it was either you or a teapot." This causes both of the teens to laugh before Ben clears his throat and addresses his family.
"I've chosen my first official proclamation."
"Finally!" Kat interrupts him with a small grin, "I thought it was gonna take till you were actually 42" Her comments made the family laugh before Ben nervously said,
"I've decided that the children on the Isle of the Lost be given a chance... to live here in Auradon." That sentence silenced the group even causing his mom to drop the shirt in her hand. Katrina stood in shock as she felt her ears slightly ring; of all things she was not expecting that.
"Every time I look out to the island, I feel like they've been abandoned."

She understood where Ben was coming from, since she knew that the children of the Isle had received unfair treatment, but the idea of potential villains running through Auradon scared her, since who's to say they won't go to her kingdom, that is what happened to her brother. She zoned back into the conversation enough to hear Ben plead his case to King Adam who was even more furious when finding out who the children's parents were.

"Dad, their children are innocent. Don't you think they deserve a shot at a normal life? Dad?"

Belle and Kat watched the father and son have a stare off both King Adam relented and muttered, "I suppose their children are innocent." Adam walked towards the door as Belle congratulated her son for his courage.

The room is silent as the couple leaves, leaving Ben to stare at his friend tensely. He was nervous of her reaction since she was one of the most important people to him, always being there to help whenever. Katrina gathered her thoughts as she knew her and Ben needed to talk.

"The children of the Isle will be here." Although her words seemed like a question she said it in a form of a statement, like she was processing Ben's plan.

"Kat, you know I've been thinking about the mistreatment of the Isle. I want to help them since I am gonna be their king as well."

"I understand that Ben but this big of a change?" Her voice rose slighty before taking a breathe and resuming. "Ben you're my best friend, and so I will support this decision because you are right change does need to happen," he smiles at her statement glad she was supporting his decision. "But just know it will take time for people to agree with this. After what happened to Alejandro, I can't see the Isle the same as you, but I will try." She finishes she sentence with her eyes glassy, thinking of her brother always did that. Ben gave her a tight hug.

"I would never do this to harm you Katrina, I plan to help these kids for the better, and I am so grateful for your help." The pair hugged as Kat's anxiousness slowly left her body. She knew this would take time, but she wanted the best for everyone in the end, Isle or not.

flor speaks--

ahh first chapter officially done !

I'm so sorry it took so long, school has been hectic and it was difficult trying to find a way to start this chapter. Hopefully the rest is smooth sailing. I was trying to make this chapter both a first chapter and a somewhat prologue.

Let me know what you think! Thank you so much for reading <3

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