→ two | welcoming party

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"Punch me and you get it twice as hard

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"Punch me and you get it twice as hard."


After weeks of preparation, the day had finally come for the new students to arrive. With a simple glance a person could tell that almost all of Auradon Prep was anxious for the arrival of the villain children.

Kat rushed up towards the front of the school knowing she was cutting it close. She had spent an hour fighting with her hair in many futile attempts to try and make it look presentable. By the time she was happy with her look and double checked everything was in order for the new students, she saw that they were arriving in less than twenty minutes leading to her rushing out her dorm and out to the quad. Quickly after was when the band began to play after seeing the limo pull into the driveway. Kat straightened her posture and saw as Fairy Godmother put on her best smile ready to greet the children with open arms.

As the driver opened the door, the band awkwardly ended as the student body sees two boys tumble out, wrestling over something. Even from where she was standing, Kat could see the fight perfectly and quietly snickered at the pair. As they continued fighting, two girls climb out of the car gazing at Auradon in awe.

"Ow! Stop! You have everything else! Why do you want whatever this is?" the boy in red and black cries.

" 'Cause you want it!" the one with the beanie yelled. At that comment, Katrina lets out a laugh before receiving a look from Ben to stop. As the pair continued fighting, Fairy Godmother started to approach the group, with Audrey, Ben and Kat in tow.

The girl with the purple hair, Mal quickly notices the approaching group as she looks like a deer in headlights.

"Guys! We have an audience," Mal attempts to say in a subtle way already upset at this first impression. As the group stepped up to the villain kids, the boys both got up off the floor.

"Just, cleaning up" Jay says with a smile as if to hide the miniature TV in his hand. With a tense smile, Fairy Godmother told the boys, "Leave it like you found it... and by that I mean just leave it."

At that, the boys start to throw the items back into the limo, Carlos passing his stuff to Jay. As Katrina watched this process, she saw a small light reflect in Jay's hand. She watched as he sneakily stashed a small champagne flute into his leather jacket. She smirked slightly before speaking up.

"Hey ladrónito! Mind putting that back, thanks." Jay freezes when hearing this as his friends are slightly confused before understanding after he reaches back into his jacket and throwing the glass into the car. Audrey, Ben, and Fairy Godmother looked slightly shocked at not catching that as well as Katrina for noticing.

The VKs tried looking over at the girl before Fairy Godmother took their attention elsewhere.
"Welcome to Auradon Prep! I'm Fairy Godmother, Headmistress." At the mention of the name, Mal perked up and looked at the woman in front of her.

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