Broken Blues and Bonds

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Your eyes crashing into my eyes,

like the oh-so-blue waves of the seas.

I was thriving, and was in the pink,

until you came along and changed me-

your wind-swept hair, as though you had just walked near the beach,

your cheeks blooming and flushed, like the colour of a peach.

Now everywhere I look, I'm reminded of you

and I'd rather die than see lapis lazuli

ever again.

I can see it, we fit together like the last two pieces of a puzzle,

your azure shirt smelling fresh and sweet

tinted with sadness and madness

all at once. You have it all.

Your face is reflected in my eyes when I see a blue car-

Everything's changed though, you and me; we've come so far;

you promised it would be us, together, against the world,

that you didn't care about the different backgrounds we came from,

the different worlds. That you just cared about us. Our moments. Us.

but all that's left are the broken, shattered pieces of the sapphire we held the night- the night we held hands, the night she showed up.

You lied.

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