I am who I am

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I let the jealousy drive me

   I let the curiosity ride front seat

I laugh loudly

And I make stupid faces when they say something that I don't think is funny

I pretend I'm oblivious when I'm hyper-aware

      I let myself fall and read into things that aren't true

I talk and I ramble and I go on and on even though the words I sputter don't make sense

You ask me who I am

I don't know.

I wish I did.

 I'm not unique, unlike the meaning of my name.

I'm not pretty, like the other girls in my grade.

I'm trying hard, hanging on by the edge of a thread.

I don't know what to say to you when you ask me that.

I don't know yet

All I know, and all you need to know


I am who I am 

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