The Suspect

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I don't think I was this vigilant in my life. Once I parked my truck in the school's parking lot, I searched for anyone missing. Obviously, one of the female students wouldn't be here today. And possibly the killer.

Unfortunately, it was Monday. There was a massive party at Tyler's house the night before. So, there were several students absent due to hangovers. It happens at least once a month.

What surprised me was to see that Edward was absent as well. I felt a wave of disappointment wash over me. I realized I couldn't get anywhere by trying to narrow down the victim's and killer's identities today.

The next day, everyone who was absent returned to school except Victoria.

I raced to Angela's locker. "Hey! Have you seen Victoria?" I asked.

She raised an eyebrow. "No? Why?"

My shoulders tensed. "Uh, I don't know. I just miss her scowling face."

Angela chuckled. "Yeah she's a pro at that. But at least we have Jessica around."

I sighed. "Why are you still friends with them? You seem to hate them almost as much as I do?"

Angela's face dropped, and she looked away. "Because I don't want to be alone."

"Like me?" I whispered as I stepped toward her.

Without saying anything, she walked away from me. How would she be alone? I thought I was her friend, too.

I held back tears and turned to my locker, wondering how Angela would react when they found Victoria's body. Part of me hoped it would hurt. That it would hurt everyone.

I wondered who would be upset if I died. Not Renee. She would probably feel free and move to that sunny place she always talked about. Maybe Charlie at first, but then he would be relieved.

I sat in my usual spot in Biology class. I watched Mike and other students enter the room. Suddenly, I remembered witnessing Mike and Victoria fighting the week before on the trail outside my house. She was murdered in almost the same spot.

Mike must have felt my stare as he looked back at me. I swear I saw a flicker of guilt before a figure stood in front of me, blocking Mike from my view.

"Hey," Edward said in a weirdly unenthusiastic way.

I focused my attention on him. His tone caught me off guard.

"Hey yourself. Did you get up on the wrong side of the bed?" I chuckled.

"You could say that." He said as he yawned.

His hair was usually shaggy and messy looking, but it was styled like that on purpose. Today, it seemed like he had just rolled out of bed and down a hill. I looked him up and down and noticed his shoes were covered in dried mud. I glanced back up and saw his shirt was dirty as well. My stomach twisted when I realized he was wearing his baseball jersey. I was about to lean back to look at the number on his back when he yawned again. I jumped.

"What's up with you?" Edward asked me in his soft voice.

I was too caught up with all the thoughts swimming in my head to reply. All I could do was look at the large bags under his eyes and the two red scratches on his cheek.

The whole class, I was tongue-tied. My hands were clammy. When the bell finally rang, I sprang out of my chair and backed up far enough to see Edward's jersey. His baseball number was thirty-eight. I gasped and ran out of the classroom.

It was difficult to believe Edward would kill Victoria. But of all the students here, he looked the most suspicious, especially with the rumor that he and Victoria were having an affair. I wondered if it was true all along.

Part of me wanted to ask him again, but I knew he would deny it anyway. If it were true, that would be the motive for killing her. Another part of me wanted to wait until everyone else found out about Victoria being dead to confront him. And somehow, a small part of me became attracted to him.

I was filled with a surge of excitement. Something I rarely ever felt anymore. The last time I felt that way was when the Cullens took me to La Push.

Several students in the hall looked at me. I opened my locker and noticed my hands were trembling. I took a deep breath and tried to calm myself down.

"Are you alright?" A velvety voice appeared over my shoulder.

I jumped again and turned to see Edward behind me. His tired eyes looked concerned. But what was he concerned about? That I knew something?

My heart raced again, and I could barely breathe. I quickly looked away, trying to stay calm. Edward was silent, observing me. I could feel his stare and knew I had to come up with something.

I forced a smile. "I'm fine," I said unconvincingly. Edward's expression softened, and he moved closer, putting his hand on the locker next to my head.

He leaned in and whispered, "You don't look fine."

I shuddered, feeling his breath on my neck.

Edward pulled his face back and smirked. "If you need my Biology notes, just ask. Don't be so nervous about the project."

It took me a moment to realize what he was talking about. Did he do that to scare me?

"Oh, uh, yeah. I might." I looked around and noticed Mike walking up to Jessica and Angela. "Well, I gotta go." I turned away from Edward and walked toward the girls' bathroom next to Jessica's locker.

"No, I haven't heard from her either. She was supposed to come over to study algebra tonight too." I heard Angela say to Mike.

"Are you sure she's not just mad at you again?" Jessica asked him, rolling her eyes.

"I don't fucking know. She stood me up after Tyler's party." Mike didn't know either.

It didn't seem like anyone realized she had disappeared yet. Let alone murdered.

After the next bell rang, I stepped out of the bathroom doorway and continued down the hall.

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