t h r e e ; good afternoon at 8am

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Chapter 3


I stopped walking once Anna and turned to a corner. It wasn't too far from the classroom, though.

I looked at her and raised a brow, as if to ask her, her reason for calling me.
After a few seconds, she was just staring at me making me sigh.

"Well?" I insisted.

Anna just chuckled before speaking "I know that I interrupted your date with Jackson back there but you don't have to be so caught up about it."

I grimaced at her. "What happened back there was anything but a date."

"Oh, LQ?" Anna frowned.

"LQ?" I raised a brow.

"Ya know, Lovers' Quarrel. Don't worry, you two won't be fighting for long." Anna gave me a reassuring look.

"Anna," I groaned.

"He flippin' shoved me out of my seat."

"Aw, how sweet--" Anna immediately paused

"Wait what? He shove-- He did that to you? Let's go, I'll kick him where the-sun-doesn'
t-shine for doing that to you."

"Nah, he's not worth it." I chuckled, imagining him laying on the ground after Anna kicked him.

"You've got a point. Besides, he might not be able to reproduce when I kick hi--"

"Anna!" I immediately covered her mouth.

"You're disgusting." I hissed while she just laughed once I've removed my hands from her mouth.

"You still haven't told me why you called for me." I changed the subject.

"Oh, right. Well you see, Mavis invited me to a sleep over at her place and she also asked if you want to come along. Can we, please?" Anna pleaded while I just looked at her, confused

"Uh, who's Mavis?" I asked.

"Hi!" A girl with black raven hair piped up, startling both Anna and I.

Talk about coincidences.

"Mavis, have you been sneaking?" Anna laughed.

"Just figured that your sister might wanna meet me." She shrugged as she faced me and smiled.

"I'm Mavis Johnson, by the way."

"Elsa Faye," I nodded once as we shook hands.

"So, can we?" Anna asked once again.

I looked at her and Mavis skeptically before sighing.

"Alright, as long as we don't forget to finish our school work fir--" I was cut off when Anna literally leaped, tackling me with a bear hug.

"Oh my god, thank you, Elsa!" Anna squeaked

"I don't think you wanna suffocate me, yeah?" I grunted as I tried to breathe, Anna was seriously taking the air out of me.

"Oops, sorry." Anna giggled as we faced Mavis who was smiling widely.

"Great! I'll give Anna the address later. The sleep over will be tomorrow, about an hour after school. We'll pick you up." She said, her smile not faltering.

Anna glanced at her wrist watch "I guess we better get going, see you later, Elsa!" Anna waved as she and Mavis walked away, heading to their room.

I frowned as I made my way back to the room. I'm a bit nervous about the idea of having a sleep over at Mavis' place. I don't even know her. I only approved of it 'cause she was with us at that time and I don't wanna be rude.

CONSEQUENCES [The Big Five Modern AU] (Jelsa Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now