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It was Franco.

I had no idea he was already here, in Bahrein. We haven't talked that much, but i was hoping he would at least tell me when he'll arrive so we can meet up, like i was waiting for us to do for the last few days. I was getting more and more pissed as i thought about it, did he not care enough for what we had like i did? Was it too hard for him to just send a text? he didn't even need to call, a simple text would calm down all of the anxiety i was feeling.

— You look pretty.— he says.— Like, really pretty.

— Thanks, i guess.

I just stood there, looking at the floor with my arms crossed, waiting for him to say anything else, and i knew he wanted to, by the way his hands were fidgeting.

— Look, i know you may be pissed because i didn't tell you i was here, but i have a reason i promise.— he gets closer to me and puts a hand on my chin, so he could lift my head and make me look at him.— Trust me.

Having him this close and looking at me with puppy eyes made me weak for a moment.

I sighed.— I trust you, but now I'm not in the mood to hear your reasons. Let's just take separate ways and we can talk again when we're both sober and in a more private place.

— Yeah, I'll take that.— he says moving his hand away from my face.— Take care, please.

Franco didn't move from his place, he was looking at me like he was expecting something more, so i took a step back and went looking for Charles. If i stayed there a second longer, i would be all over him, kissing him nonstop, and forget how pissed i was feeling. He has that power over me and it sucked.

Charles was still dancing, i wasn't really in the mood anymore and Carlos had joined him, so i went up to the bar. I sat down and ordered a negroni. I had never had one before, it looked good but the moment i drank the first sip, i wanted to spit it out. I didn't, clearly, i drank it all like a champ and then ordered Coke with vodka.

— ¿What are you drinking? — asks Mick as he sat down next to me.

He grabbed my glass and tasted it. It appears he liked it and kept it to himself, so i ordered another one.

— What's up? — i ask looking at him.

— Nothing much, everyone is doing their own thing so i went out looking for you. Is everything alright? you look like you saw a ghost.

— Not exactly a ghost, i ran into Franco.

Mick looked surprised and looked around.— ¿He's here? — he looked back at me.— why don't you look happy about it?

— Because i'm not. We had a deal of meeting up as soon as he got here, to talk about us, but i haven't heard a word from him since, and then i see him here, at a party. I'm probably overreacting but it wasn't great.

— You're not overreacting Lowie, you are allowed to feel however you feel. And yeah, it was a bit of a shitty move not to tell you anything but hey, at least you're here with me.

I smiled at him and tilted my head.— Are you doing a pole dance to make me happy?

— ¡¿What?! — he looked horrified and i couldn't help but laugh out loud.— I mean... i could.

— Don't .— i point at him.

He lifts his hands in defeat and we laugh, we cheer our glasses and finish them. Mick offered me a hand, but i noticed how his eyes followed a cute blonde girl passing by. They smiled at each other, and the pink in Mick's cheeks made me awe, so pushed him in the direction she left, he looked at me in confirmation and i nodded.

— Have fun! — i tell him as he leaves.

I turned my stool around and was facing the dance floor. New and last drink in hand, just looking at everyone have a good time. I found Lando, who was the new DJ of the party. Mick was talking with the blonde girl and they were giggling, they hit it off instantly. Charles was still with Carlos. Max was making his way toward where Lando was. The only one i couldn't find was Oscar. I tried to find him for a while but it wasn't an easy task with the club getting busier as time went by.

— Looking for someone? — i hear him on my side.

I jumped in my place out of surprise, i almost spilled my drink but Oscar took if from my hand before anything happened.

— Yeah, i was looking for you actually.— i get my drink back from his hand.— Good reflex.

— Thanks .— he sits down next to me.— ¿What are you up to? Besides drinking.

— Absolutely nothing, i got tired of dancing with Charles, he steps on my feet all the time.

He laughs.— Sucks to be you then.

— Sometimes yeah. — i look at him.— Thank you for earlier.

— For what? — he asks with a confused look on his face.

I got closer to him, so i could speak next to his ear.— For noticing and stopping me just in time.

— No worries.

We stood there, next to each other for about 10 minutes. I had finished my drink and wasn't planning on ordering another one, but i did after i saw a glimpse of Franco. I will surely regret this later, but i didn't care, i was here to have fun, and more drinks sure helped me with that.

— Oscar, Lowie.— says Charles coming up to us.— You two have to dance with us.

— I'm fine right here Charlie.

— Yeah me too mate, i'm not one to dance.— says Oscar, scratching the back of his neck.

— Bullshit, now come.

Charles grabs our wrists and drags us onto the dance floor. Oscar and i had defeated looks on our faces, but went with it. All of the drivers were now on the dance floor, including Lando, but Mick was nowhere to be found. I drank a bit more of my cup, so it would spill as easily while i danced. The DJ switched songs, and everyone on the floor started to jump. I laughed and jumped as well, trying to not fall once again on my face. Closing my eyes, and just leaving my head empty was the best feeling ever.

The drinks were finally doing their thing and i felt myself relax. As the songs kept changing, i kept dancing to every single one, even if i wasn't familiar with them. I was having fun, and that's all that mattered to me. I opened my eyes and finished my drink, i began to feel like i wasn't the one moving my body, like i was just watching everything from the back of my mind. It was weird.

— ¿Want me to take this back to the bar for you? — asks Oscar next to my ear to get me to listen.

— That would be great, thank you so much! — i say back.

He grabs the cup from me, but before he can move away, someone behind me bumps into me and makes me fly in Oscar's direction. He quickly grabbed me by the waist and held me close.

Saving me from kissing the floor once again.

I look up at him with an embarrassed smile, and he smiles back.— My hero in shining armor.

His cheeks turned red, and his eyes left mine for a second. I felt my whole body burn up when i saw him looking at my lips. I unconsciously bit my lower lip, and since we were that close, i felt a change in his breathing. Like his breathing got caught on his chest for a moment. The music went quiet for me, everything was silent but i knew that wasn't the case, i knew the party was still going but we were in this kind of bubble. 

I had no idea why, but it felt nice.

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