Attorney pt.3: Apocalypse

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Warning: Stockholm Syndrome.

At midnight, your phone started ringing, twice then thrice until you woke up from slumber. You wanted to complain after picking up the call but the sound of sirens and screaming sobered you up real quick.

"H-Hello, Y/N?" Your boyfriend was shuddering," I'm on my way. Lock yourself, now! I said lock your- Ahh!!"

"T-Taehyung! Taetae, answer me!" You panicked. You then heard clicks of teeth before other side went beeping.

Adrenaline rushed into your veins when you heard helicopters, ambulance and police cars noise. Glancing from the window of your new apartment. You were on fiftieth floor.

Zombies. People were running, getting attacked and bitten. Other small buildings and complexes were on fire, black smoke covering the sky.

Your knees went weak and you dropped down on the floor. You didn't knew what to do.

In that second you heard more screams coming down the hall. Oh, shit. You ran towards the entrance to lock the door. It was all in slow motion at how a hand with blue viens and blood had pushed your door a bit before you kicked him out and locked the door with chains and metallic locks.

Once upon a time you nagged to your boyfriend to not put the manual lock. There was high security, watchman, CCTV and you were on good terms with other next doors. There was no need to put chains until now.

You then put your phone in charging whilst scrolling through the news. Through earplugs you could hear the alert.

Seoul has been infected by a virus about few hours ago and everyone is requested to leave. Those who were afraid to be caught on their way out were hiding at home for rescue team to find them which was useless because government flee away itself to safety. Busan became the new camp city.

Anyways, you were stuck. All you had were two ramen packs before apparently you planned to go grocery shopping tomorrow. Now, those clickers were roaming around without a leash.

You tried to call you mother, friends, relative but none of them answered their phone. The next day electricity was cut off. You lived in isolation for three days. On fourth day you had nothing to eat. The skyline was still the same. Destruction everyone but silence. Just wandering zombies who were in search of their next victim.

On water you survived a week but it finished. Your body became weak, close to dizziness. You desperately wanted help. You'd do anything to get out of this isolation, exhaustion; not to mention the hunger and thrist you felt. You did lose weight as the fat was getting oxidised.

You watched the sun setting down, an orange hue over the sky. You were losing hope just as the sun was disappearing, leaving you in coldness forever.

As If you had a guardian angel you earnestly wished for a better place.

And your wish was approved, by fallen angel, when like a silver lining your phone buzzed at the night stand. Battery red and no balance. You picked the incoming call.

"Where are you?"

"Home," you whispered before fainting along with the sunlight.

Life's unpredictable. You gotta sail with it. So when you opened your eyes your weren't in heaven. It was a house, on top of mountain in Russia. Virus didn't had the optimum temperature to grow, hence this nation was safe.

Cold climate made you sink further into the soft mattress beneath you. A fireplace not too way from bed as you rested on it with an IV drop attached. A shackle around your right ankle, chained to bed, chilled and heavy.

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