Chapter 17

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The days passed, and Louis found himself falling back into the same old pattern with Harry. It wasn't like he expected anything else. They usually went back to ignoring each other after one or two days of stumbling into one another, although he wouldn't call it ignoring this time. There just hadn't been a reason to acknowledge the alpha.

Part of that was probably because Harry's scent didn't affect him as much anymore. He still felt a pull to be close to him, but it was a lot easier to resist the temptation to bury his face in Harry's neck. However, in the last day or two, he had felt like the urge to scent him was slowly returning.

Louis had tried not to think about it. He didn't want to worry in case he was overthinking it, but he couldn't deny it, especially when the pack leader walked by him in the hallways and a gust of his scent hit Louis' nostrils. And since he had been sensing uneasiness from Harry, he assumed he could also feel the change.

It was now Friday. Louis was seated at a table in the cafeteria with Niall and Destiny, munching on his lunch sandwich when Liam and Zayn joined them, taking the two empty seats.

"Do you guys want to go to the pub tonight?"

The question had come from Liam, but it might as well have come from Zayn because Louis knew he was behind the idea.

"I'm sorry?" Destiny asked, furrowing her brows.

"Are we even allowed to do that?" Niall added, sounding just as confused.

Zayn shrugged. "It wouldn't be the first time. We've been out a couple of times every term since we came here."

"We?" Louis inquired, narrowing his eyes at the alpha.

"Zayn and some of his friends," Liam explained. "Sometimes, a few betas and omegas have joined as well."

Louis turned to Liam. "Are you okay with this? If the staff finds out about it, we could get kicked out of campus."

"There's no need to worry about that," Zayn smirked. "Harry always takes care of it. No staff member has ever mentioned a word to anyone."

"Of course he does," Louis snorted.

Liam looked at him as if he was trying to read his mind. Zayn seemed slightly surprised by his reaction but didn't comment on it. "So what do you say? I promise it'll be fun, and we'll fix a cab to and from the pub, so you don't have to worry about that."

Niall and Destiny exchanged a look. "I'm in," Niall announced, and Destiny nodded in agreement.

"Me too."

Everyone's eyes fell on Louis, but he stayed quiet and didn't meet anyone's gaze. He didn't want to be a buzzkill again. It felt like he always turned down their offers only to be persuaded to go in the end, but this was just as risky as the other times, if not riskier.

"You won't be alone, Lou," Liam promised. It seemed as though he had succeeded in reading Louis' mind. "Someone will be by your side the whole night."

"You're making me sound like a baby," Louis grimaced. "It's just..." I'm scared an alpha will do something to me against my will. It had happened before. It could happen again, especially at a pub where anyone could go. "It's a public place. Anything could happen."

Since Liam knew what had happened to him every other time he had wanted to say no but ended up going with them anyway, he must realize that Louis wasn't worrying for nothing. He had a reason. "I promise I won't let anything happen to you." The sincerity in Liam's eyes made Louis believe him.

He had never appreciated a friend as much as he did Liam. The thought of drifting from him and losing him to Zayn scared him, even if he didn't want to admit it. "Okay, I'll go with you."

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