Chapter 10

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Trigger warning: Sexual harassment

To Louis' relief, Harry decided to skip the lecture. He was positive it would have been too obvious that they had spent time together if Harry had shown up only a few minutes after him, so he was grateful that he didn't.

Louis kept thinking about their encounter during the lecture. He was happy he had managed not to fall for Harry's intimidating methods this time, but one thing that kept nagging him was how safe he always felt in Harry's presence.

The feeling allowed Louis to stand up for himself against the alpha. It allowed him not to cease when Harry tried to get the upper hand, but it also made Louis realize that there was no way the man could have killed someone. Louis may dislike him and hate the way he affected him, but he was no murderer. A murderer wouldn't make Louis feel safe while using an ice-cold tone of voice and staring at Louis as if he wanted to strangle him.

He was aware that it probably had to do with the way the alpha's scent affected him, but that didn't make it any less true. If anything, it seemed like Harry's effect on him only opened Louis' eyes to the alpha.

He could vaguely remember what Harry had said in the interview a few weeks ago when he was asked about the rumor; "People can believe what they want to believe. If they knew me, they would know the truth."

Even though Louis didn't know Harry personally, he felt like he had learned enough about him to conclude that he was innocent, whether he liked it or not. The alpha's whole aura screamed authority, but also 'I would never hurt a fly even if someone asked me to'.

Louis felt like he should have been able to make that conclusion a long time ago, especially since Harry asked for his consent when scenting him at the party. But Louis had refused to think about that encounter since it happened, so he figured it wasn't strange it took him until now to realize it.

Another thing that made him uneasy was what he had tried to push aside since yesterday; the fact that Harry was affected by his scent too. He wanted to push it aside again, but he knew he couldn't. Harry had mentioned that he had been struggling to avoid his scent for a year, which was how long Louis had known about being affected by the alpha.

This made the omega realize that Liam was most likely right; there was a connection between them. It didn't matter what Louis thought about it. He couldn't help it. He just had to accept the fact that his omega was weak for Harry's alpha, and vice versa.

That didn't mean Louis would follow his desire, though. He wouldn't let himself fall for an alpha, let alone Harry Styles. The fact that they had a connection meant nothing. Harry didn't want anything to do with him, and he didn't want anything to do with Harry, so he was positive things would end well. They just had to keep avoiding each other until they could go different ways and never see each other again.

"Hey, Lou. Are you coming?"

Louis looked up to see Destiny standing at the other end of the row of seats, her brows raised in expectation. "Oh, yeah."

He had been too lost in thought to acknowledge that the lecture had ended and everyone was leaving. He scrambled to his feet, closing his laptop and slipping it into its case before following Destiny out of the lecture hall.

They started walking through the busy hallways to Louis' locker, falling into step with each other. "Are you going to tell me why you were late to the lecture?" Destiny asked, raising her brows at him.

Louis pursed his lips. "I was in the bathroom," he explained, feeling grateful that he didn't have to lie. "Lost track of time."

She seemed to accept it, seeing as she nodded without blinking. "You were spaced out the whole lecture, though. Were you thinking about something special?"

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