Chapter 12

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The first thing Louis noticed when he woke up was the arms wrapped around his middle. The realization made his body freeze, and it only got worse when he noticed that his back was pressed against a warm chest. It was clothed, but still unsettling, so he reached down to pull the arms away and scooted several inches from the body behind him.

He initially thought Harry was lying in bed with him, but that thought dissolved when he breathed through his nose and couldn't make out an alpha scent. It made him relax remotely, his body going languid.

Another thing he noticed was that he wasn't lying on top of the covers anymore, as he had been when he went unconscious last night. The unknown beta or omega must have moved him when he was too busy dropping.

The thought of dropping made a heavy weight erupt in his stomach. It wasn't like he had never done it before, but he always felt uncomfortably weak afterward. He didn't like it, and the fact that Harry was the alpha who had caused it again made him want to throw up.

Louis couldn't believe he had fallen right into his stupid trap. He should have ignored the alpha, never replied to him when he entered the bathroom. Or, even better, exited the room when he showed up.

But it was already done, and he couldn't go back and change what had happened. Louis was just frustrated with Harry's stupidity of thinking it was a good idea to arrive at the dormitory sweaty. Their bond would probably grow even stronger now, and preventing themselves from scenting each other would be even more difficult.

Louis closed his eyes and wrapped his arms around his chest. Usually, an omega needed an alpha to get out of a drop, especially to comfort them afterward. An omega or beta could help a little, but managing to get out of it alone was very uncommon. Only people practicing it for a long time could do it, even if it were dangerous.

Since Louis had dropped several times during his youth, he knew how to handle them, but he was well aware that it would have been easier with an alpha's help. He wouldn't be gone for half the time he was now, although he knew the omega or beta next to him had shortened the drop and calmed Louis' omega at least a little bit.

He wasn't sure if that was why he felt better this time than the last time he dropped, or because he didn't feel the same disgust with himself now. It was still there, floating like a cloud over the other mess in his head, but it wasn't as shocking as last time.

He knew what it felt like to scent Harry now, and the alpha had made sure not to touch him without consent. It was apparent Harry was more aware of his doings, and Louis appreciated that. Quite a lot. He had never encountered an alpha who had been so respectful to an omega before.

Thinking of it changed his perception of the pack leader a bit. He had always thought of him as arrogant and conceited, the way he seemed to never care about the omegas he scented and fucked. Louis still didn't know if he did, but he had never expected Harry to show that much respect when being intimate with an omega. He was impressed.

His train of thought was interrupted when Louis could feel the person beside him stir in his sleep. He realized then that he hadn't even turned to see who it was, although he was pretty sure he already knew. When Liam's brown hair and features came into view, he could feel a smile on his lips.

"Good morning," he greeted, making Liam furrow his brows. He didn't say anything for a while. He just kept staring at him.

"How are you acting so normal?" he eventually asked, searching Louis' features for something, probably a sign of weakness.

Louis was weak, he couldn't deny that, but he felt better than he did last time, better than he had done in a long time after a drop. "I have no idea what you're talking about."

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