16.Ella's life turned Upside Down.

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After, almost all the people were rescued,all the doctors, firefighters and police were called, and a commemoration,was held in honor of all the fighters who died. The people of Oslocrest Town were so greatful, that they were chearing and offering, gifts as the doctors, firefighters were leaving. All them were so tired , Ella was satisfied because she knew she did a great job. Everyone was expecting a grand welcome, so was Ella but little did she know what was waiting for her , As the bus arrived there were a lot of people along with police was waiting for them , but the people over there looked really angry. As Ella got off from bus she was immediately handcuffed, along with two other doctors, and as they were taken away ,the people started throwing random stuff against the
doctors, one steel rectangular plate used to keep medicines ,hit Ella right on the forehead, one doctor was severely beaten. This video of doctors getting beaten got so viral .

Ella was so confused about all of this, and even scared she didn't know what they did wrong, after reaching the police station a investigation was held turns out , there is this particular drug which Ella and some other renowned scientists and doctors were researching about was found in the patients who were operated by Ella. So the main suspect was Ella here. Even the nurses working under Ella confirmed that they have seen Ella using it. Ella was so surprised, Offcourse she won't do anything this stupid but suddenly everyone around turned their back to Ella. Ella tried explaining that the drug was only used in laboratory and she never bought these drugs to the hospital as she was working with professionals, they won't allow this to happen. Then the main surgeon was called and he confirmed that Ella was indeed using the drugs on people for her research purpose. Ella was held under police custudy, and this was a viral news every where on internet, and news channels.

On the other hand Anthony and his team were happy their plan was going accordingly, Ella's whole reputation was ruined, her carreer was over , people all over the world, were trolling Ella. Anthony's revenge was finally completed , this was worst then death.
Simon seemed a bit disappointed,he was feeling so guilty , one the team members turned on the news to show Anthony, there this vedio was played where people were throwing stuff at Ella and how bad she was bleeding. Anthony quickly, turned off the TV. His hands were shaking he got so angry at his team yelling " didn't you people send security to control the people, only I can hurt Ella , find the people who were throwing stuff at her". Anthony was so restless he asked Simon to cheak on Ella .
Simon " sir by doing this more than Ella you are hurting yourself "
" I don't understand, why would I hurt myself "
"Just think have you ever cared for anyone before, I know how restless you become when Ella is not around"
" Simon shut up , I would never fall in love with my sister's murderer "
"You really think she killed your sister, well let me tell you this, if I don't tell this now I would never be able to forgive myself. Anna was drunk driving, she killed three of her friends,and her
car hit a high-school boy his name was Ethan. Ella's sister."
Anthony was dumbstruck, he couldn't move. His eyes were filled with tears " why would you tell me this now , "
Simon " I know how much you love Anna I wanted you to have all the good memories of her , but I didn't know things would turn this way "
Anthony sighed, I know it was her fault but don't you think it is the duty of a doctor to save people, and she failed.
Simon just looked at Anthony with a irritated look and said " but at the end of the day doctor's are humans as well they have feelings, they make mistake "
Anthony just stood up and left.

Anthony Darlington,
I went back home, so that I would be distracted, but strangely the house reminded me of Ella , her sweet smile .The way she looks at me ,the way she cares for me like no one. But a part of me still hated her .I just wanted to forget about her and start a new life. I went to the attic to stare at the stars and yet it reminded me of the day I betrayed her. I came back to my room the only place which felt like mine, I didn't know when tears started coming ,I have never been this desperate,I tried to sleep but I just couldn't . I even tried working,but I just couldn't focus. I went to Ella's room desperate to find comfort, her room was so neat and clean, indeed all the doctors are clean freaks. I saw her study table, a lot of sticky notes and mind maps , patients history ,her room was filled with books . I saw a graduation picture of her, she was looking gorgeous. Beside her picture , I saw a picture of mine ,do I even deserve to be in her table, I saw a skeleton as well ,I think she uses it to study bones, her bed perfectly made, her room was bright , unlike mine, her room smelled of lavender, just like her I felt warmth, I didn't realize when I fell asleep. I woke up with a headache and a sore throat, I was sick I just crawled to my room and called my doctor. I was severely sick for a week after that .

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