Part 46

426 9 24

Allison's POV

There's a bang

And not a bang as in a gun bang, it's a bang as if someone's awake and has fallen over in the dead of night.

It's 5 in the morning,

It's been a week since we went to hogsmade, Evelyn found my note when she came back turns out they were on a late mission trying to rescue children from an orphanage that was getting targeted by the death eaters

The past week I've gone to meetings, hung out with the golden trio, played quidditch with Ginny, and done movie marathons with Jake.

I learnt to cast a full body Patronus with the help of Harry, though he was blushing a lot.

Anyway my patronus is a deer so now everyone keeps calling me Fawn, Benji started it so I assume it's his nickname for me that everyone else calls me.

But that's for another time, right now someone is awake in the house

But it's from the living room, the room right under my mine. I have to see what's happening, do I though?

I mean Im a 16 year old girl in a house full of 16 to 20ish year olds. So surely I don't have to see what's happening

But what if they are dying? What's if they have been attacked?

I hate my consciousness

I'm not wandering out of my room and down the stairs, I hear people talking but the voices are muffled

I'm wearing a pair of black pj shorts and an oversized Slytherin hoodie

I make my way to the living room and the doors are shut? I slowly open the door to see some order people gathered around someone.

"What's going on" I say creeping into the room

Evelyn looks at me shocked "Fawn how about you go back to your room"

"Evelyn why are you surrounding someone?" I ask walking towards them

"Allison go back to your room now, I will explain in a minute just please listen to me" she says frustrated

"Ok fine" I say turning to walk out when a voice catches my hearing.


I turn back around, I know that voice from anywhere.


"Panda it's me" he says getting up from the floor

I walk back over and push past everyone and there I'm met with Vasils eyes,

I go in and hug him like I've never hugged anyone.

"How's Aleksandar and Anelie been?" I ask him when we pull apart

"They've been good but Anelie has been a bit pissed off is an understatement on how you haven't owled her" he says looking down at me

Him and his siblings are like really tall for no reason, I used to spend weekends with Anelie and her brothers.

We used to floo back to her family home in Bulgaria and we all hung out. Her parents are sort of scary when you first meet them but they soon warmed up to me after 3 months of constantly coming over to their house.

"Allison get away from this boy now" Sirius says trying to grab me

"Why?" I ask turning to look at him

"We have no idea who he is for all we know he could be a death eater" he says all serious

"This boy be a death eater you have to be kidding, he may seem all tough but this boy is a teddy bear" i say pointing at Vasil

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