New Hire

31 1 11

Monday, September 18th

Eleanor made her way back to her desk from the break room where she had found a small bag of cheez it's. She checked the time as she sat back down in her chair, it was 11:00 AM.

She was starving, and needed a snack before going out to eat with her coworkers at noon.

MPM is a small company with 3 sets of "Teams" as they call them. Each team manages around 20 properties, taking care of everything so the owners don't have to. Each team has a Property Manager, an On-Site Manager, an Accountant, and Maintenance.

Eleanor has been with MPM for almost 2 years and she loves her team. Kim Larson is the Property manager for her team, and Colby Brock is the On-site.

Eleanor remembers the first time she met Colby, he started only a few months after her, so they become really close right away, being the 2 newbies.

She loves hanging out with him outside of work, they do a couple times a week at least. Going out to eat together, spending hours just talking, or their favorite thing to do together, watching scary movies.

There was something about Colby too, she really liked him. Like like liked him. He was very cute and only a year older than Eleanor. Her feelings for him had grown a lot stronger over the last couple months as she could feel the tension between them whenever they were together.

She knew Colby could feel it too, it's like both of them were waiting for one of them to make the first move or bring it up or something. Eleanor couldn't remember the amount of times she's wanted to kiss him, and the couple times she felt that they almost did.

It had been a while since Eleanor was in a relationship or even just had a crush on someone. But Colby's always made her heart flutter a bit.

Deep down she thinks neither of them want to risk ruining the friendship they currently have, that's her worry at least.

So Colby was On-Site, meaning he traveled between properties most of the day moving people in and out, and doing lots of paper work at his office at one of the properties as well.

Eleanor, being an Accountant, has a big roll. She takes care of the books, balancing them every month, entering and posting bills that come in as well as applying checks from residents for rent.

Mike, the Maintenance tech who sadly just quit, was great to work with. He was an older man, but he was the sweetest guy and very organized turning in receipts for his purchases everyday.  Eleanor already missed him, but she understood why he quit.

She felt a shiver run down her spine as she thought about the deaths over the last few weeks. It scared her, and made her so so sad for the victims loved ones. She couldn't imagine what they must be going through.

She was also a little freaked because she lives at one of their properties, Maple Oaks Apartments. She had been watching her back the last few weeks incase what ever was happening was happening at the properties they managed specifically.

Luckily Colby had been coming over to hang at her place more instead of her going to his and having to come home when it was dark, by herself.

Eleanor sighed heavily as she focused back in to her work. Just as she did, she got a TEAMS message from Colby. They talked on teams all day during work, sending each other funny gifs or if Eleanor was working at home the couple days she did a week, they could sit on a call for hours.

They also had a TEAMS group chat with their full team as well; Kim, Colby, Eleanor, and now, just added to their team this morning, Dean Winchester. The new Maintenance Tech who'd she be meeting in about 20 minutes. She didn't know much about him, just his name. She hoped he would be a good fit for their team, they would all be working closely together and the last thing they needed right now was a new hire slacking off all the time.

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