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Nora scooted over so she could make room for Colby in her bed. Colby used the light on his flash light to guide his way since it was dark.

Nora giggled as he jumped into bed and joined her under the covers.

Nora faced him as he settled in and let out a comfortable sigh.

"This is way more comfortable than how I was laying on the couch," Colby said.

Nora chuckled, "yeah you were like sitting up sleeping, sorry I didn't wake you you up."

Colby lifted his hand and ran his thumb down the side of Nora's cheek.

Nora couldn't see him but she knew he was smiling at her.

Nora scooted in closer to him and found his face with her hand as she held his cheek softly.

She could feel and smell his breath as he breathed slowly. He smelled like whisky and coke.

Colby took this opportunity to lean in and place his lips against Nora's.

The kiss was warm and became eager quickly as Nora snaked her hand into Colby's hair pulling him closer to her.

"Mmm" Colby breathed against Nora's lips as he slowly moved his body on top of hers under the blankets.

Nora's heart was pounding as she realized what was happening and how fast

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Nora's heart was pounding as she realized what was happening and how fast. She was just expecting to cuddle with Colby but she wouldn't be mad if something more happened.

Colby let his right hand travel down the side of Nora's body as he moved his lips to the side of her neck.

Nora smiled to herself as she felt his lips move from her neck to her jawline and back to her lips.

Nora kept one of her hands in Colby's hair while the other she slipped under Colby's shirt. She ran her hand slowly down his bare chest feeling how toned he was down to where his sweatpants sat on his waist.

She could feel the ache inside her intensify as she did this and she let out a quiet moan as she ran her hand inside Colby's sweatpants around to his back side where she pushed him down against her.

Colby raised his head from her lips now and smiled as he felt himself growing quickly and the feeling of Nora pushing him down towards her sent a shiver throughout his whole body.

"Is this okay?" Colby asked now. They hadn't really talked about it, both of them knew it would happen eventually but neither of them planned for it to happen tonight. It just felt right in the moment.

Nora focused in on him the best she could in the dark and smiled lightly, "yes," she said softly before pulling his face back down to hers.

Nora and Colby's mouths moved perfectly with each other as their tongues fought for dominance.

Nora's mind was buzzing as they kissed, she couldn't think about anything else other than Colby in that moment. Accept for one other thing.

Nora felt her stomach tie in a knot as she pulled away a bit. "Colby wait," Nora said now.

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