Monday Morning

16 1 14

Dean woke up the next morning on the couch to the sound of birds chirping and light shining in on his face.

He forgot where he was for a second but then remembered everything that had happened the day before

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He forgot where he was for a second but then remembered everything that had happened the day before.

He sighed slowly as he glanced up at the ceiling. It all felt like some sort of nightmare with Ruby but it was 100% real.

He fast forwarded his memory of the night before to him opening up to Nora about Sam and how comforting she had been. Then he thought about him and Nora falling asleep in her bed. He smiled to himself lightly as he remembered watching her drift off to sleep before falling asleep himself.

He just remembers hearing movement and lights turning on and off after that, when Colby got there.

Colby. Wait did that conversation happen last night too?

He quickly remembered it did and he remembered laying awake for an hour after Colby left the living room thinking about what he had told him.

Dean was trying to process the fact that Colby thinks he's attractive. He couldn't sleep thinking about it. Sure it was just a compliment, but why could he not stop thinking about it?

He kept replaying Colby's face and smile in his mind as he got flustered after telling him that last night.

Dean smiled to himself. He had never been attracted to guys himself, it had never crossed his mind. But after last night, something inside him was changing and it was really confusing.

Maybe he just liked the fact that Colby had complimented him but it felt much more than that.

Colby was a good looking guy, Dean thought. There was no doubt about that. But what if Dean found Colby attractive too and didn't even know it?

He just wasn't sure if it was him just thinking it's something that it's not or if it really is how he's feeling.

Dean reached for his phone to check the time and saw it was 7:45 AM. work started at 8:00 on Mondays and he's pretty sure Nora and Colby were still sleeping too.

He sighed again as he rolled off the couch and made his way to Nora's room.


In Nora's room, Colby had been awake just laying there the last 2 hours. He had no idea what time it even was but he watched the room light up as the sun came up that morning.

He stared up at the ceiling, his right arm was draped over his forehead while his left arm was holding Nora against him as she slept soundly against his chest.

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