Chapter Four

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Evie's pov

We were going to chin tiki a bar/club i guess me and marshall kept staring at me through the side view mirror on the car , I blushed a little , sure I had guys look at me in pure lust but I don't know marshall is just really handsome I guess never been one to be nervous around men , Maybe because  the pills are wearing off im feeling nervous and it's making my blood pressure go up so maybe that's why .

We finally pull up and proof looks back at me "hey baby you should stick with us since you're new around here and people here don't take kindly to strangers" Proof smiled at me . " Well thanks proof but I'm grown I don't need a baby sister. '' I smiled at him , and it wasn't like I was trying to be rude or give him attitude but I guess it came off that way when he frowned at me . "Hey I don't mean it rude I just want you guys to have fun and not worry im a big girl okay?" I said reassuring him "Well alright but you aren't a bother let's roll !" proof and marshall both got out of the car. I go to open the door but marshall opens it for me before I could I smile at him " why thank you , what a gentlemen " I graze his chest a little bit " I mean can be anything for you" He then winks at me but he seems more nervous than me .

" Dream on baby boy" started walking into the bar with proof and marshall following behind me . I walk in and I see a familiar set of guys at a booth. They wave me and marshall and proof over and we go sit down " Hey girl how you been?" I think it bizarre or rufus. All I remember is that he gave me drugs. "I'm good, how about you? " I said as I crossed my arms and sat down next to Marshall. "Yeah, how's that stuff I gave you?"  I groan " Its good but I just need something stronger like I said and something that last longer because you know that shit is time released " he started to go through his bag and took out a preposition bottle and handed it to me "It's on me sorry  that my service wasn't up to quality " he smirks at me I take the bottle and look at it and the bottle says 'methadone' huh weird " Isn't this shit supposed to help you from relapsing on drugs ?" I laugh at the irony of how the pharmacy business is just one big scam. They give you one drug you get hooked on and then they give you another just to help you get unhooked on that first one to just get hooked on the second one.

"Well that's what it's for but even just taking one you'll get a kick out of '' he smirked "but i don't go balls out let that shit sink into you don't just go in one go build a tolerance " He stated more seriously . " Don't worry I know what im doing " I said playfully rolling my eyes marshall kinda gives me a concerned look "yo you sure you wanna fuck with pills? I mean do you but I figured you only did party drugs you know ?" he looks at me in my eyes, I just shrug " I mean it's whatever I get my hands on at this point " he nodded at my statement and popped a few pills. I only took 3 to get a feel and let me tell you a big mistake I now realize looking back.

"Hey do you want a drink?" Marshall looks over at me "yeah that sounds nice" I smile as we walk over to the bar. I lean over the bar and I stare at Marshall. I can tell he's a little nervous from me staring at him but he's cute when he's flustered . "What do you want ?" he leans over scooting closer to me while our elbows are touching . "Mmm Just get me a vodka cranberry " he shakes his head and smile "All you bitches ever get is is girly shit " I raise a brow at him "I don't know who you think your talking to about bitches but I need you to watch your mouth " Im now glaring daggers at him "aye my bad alright baby girl I ain't mean it like that" He said remorsefully and I shake my head and smile "your good " the bartenders come over and marshall orders for us our drink .

" so tell me about you " I look over at him and he gives me a confused look .

"What do you mean ?" I look at him like he's dumb . Like has he never had a conversation with someone new before ?

"Like tell me about yourself like I don't know how you got into rap ? Or your job or what you do for fun or in your free time ?"

"Oh shit well I work at this place called Gilbert's lodge it's like a diner typa deal , and what I do for fun I don't have a lot of fun really but when I'm happiest is with my daughter I love that lil girl to death man " he sighs and frowned

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 21, 2023 ⏰

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