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Ky walked in and greeted her brother, Caden and her mom.

-"hey C! Hi mama how was set?" She asked now pulling away from the hug.

-"it was good bébé thanks for asking"

Kyla looked up at her mom and asked:

-"it's Rosalie's birthday next week and she's having her party at an escape room. Can I go?"

Her mom looked at her kid and them smiled "Sure" she said while opening a can of soda "just tell me what time and we'll be fine"

The girl was happy to know that she could go. She ended her day by watching her favourite show and telling the news to Rosalie, who seemed more excited than ever.


It's Monday. Today, school has a PD day and it was perfect for Rosalie because it was her birthday that day. Kyla got up and grabbed her phone. She did her usual check-all-of-my-notifications-check and then got up.

-"Mama, the birthday is in 2 hours, let's go"

She slightly nodded her head but continued to stay asleep. Kyla didn't care and proceeded to get dressed.

💭: "I'll just wear this random shirt. I haven't wore it in a while, heh.." she thought to herself while putting on her shorts

She also threw in some earrings and added a few bracelets that Jewel made for her in 5th grade. She then put her mix match converse and sat outside in the sun.

-"hmm hmm, she's a 90's super, hmm hmm" Kyla hummed to the song playing on her headphones.

Her stomach was tempting her to get a snack but she was in a perfect position. The light hitting her softy on her face and the breeze running across.

Her mom soon came down and kissed her on the cheek. Caden stayed back home. The two got into the car and Kyla started talking about the spider that bit her when she was with Milla

-"Mama you wont believe what spider just crawled onto my hand!"

Her mom looked back at her "oh what type of spider was it"

-"that's what I'm looking for." It was purple and had pink, green and yellow legs?"

She put that in the Google search bar but couldn't find anything close to what she saw. When it looked like she close to finding it, It usually said "search not found".

-"I don't get it... it's not showing up"

-"Bébé i don't rain on your parade but maybe you had something in your eye? I mean come on, a multicoloured spider?"

Kyla looked up at her mom and frowned. She knew she saw a unique spider with her own two eyes! She sat in silence for the rest of the ride. Once arrived at the destination, she got out the car to go greet Rose and her other friends

All the group waved back at Ky and continued to talk with their friend. Ky sat with Rose and Jewel; her two very close friends. They talked about the most random things. Mostly about music and movies. Two of Kyla's favourite subjects.

-"Hello everyone! Can group 1069 please come to the counter? Your escape room is ready~" said a lady on a microphone

The group got up and was super excited to solve the puzzles in the room. They went upstairs with the lady at the counter and a guy named Chris explained the rules to them. They all understood and the escape room was read

-"3...2...1 GO!"

Everyone scattered around the room searching for clues and puzzles.

"GUYS LOOK! A HINT!" Jewel shouted while waving the paper I the air. He read the clue and the group went to go look for a key.

Ky looked under a table and found a key

"Guys look! I found it!" Kyla was very proud of herself. Everyone was telling her where to put the key. She put it in the door and managed to open it for everyone. The group cheered and went in. She then went to go check the room and then realized something

-"Ky, you coming" Rosalie asked

-"Y-Yea.. I'm fine." Kyla was not fine. Her hand was somehow stuck the the key. Jewel then got concerned and tried to help

-"How did your hand get stuck to the key?!" Jewel said while trying to pull


Rose shrugged and then left the room. Soon enough, the whole group was looking at Jewel and Kyla. The kids pulled out their phones to record what was going on. Rose went to go find Chris to ask for help

-"Hi this is strange but my friend Kyla got her hand stuck to a key.."

-"A... key?" Chris looked at her with a raised eyebrow

-"yea I know it's weird but she looks like she needs help"

Chris then rushed to the room and his jaw dropped when he saw the two trying to get her hand off

"Look- I'm going to rip your hand off from the door" Jewel said seriously


-"3, 2, 1!" Jewel ripped Kyla's hand off the door with the key still stuck to the girl's hand. Kyla let out a blood curdling scream as she looked at her hand.

Unfortunately, the party had to be cut short because of the incident. They had to investigate the room to find what could've caused her hand to get stuck to the door. Kyla had the key removed from her hand, which took a while. She felt so guilty of ruining Rose's party and decided to go home while no one was watching. She left a note on her birthday gift and left.

💭: "what even happened back there? I didn't have any glue on my hand. Did I? Why did it stick?" The girl had her mind full of thoughts on why this incident could've happened.

It was soon her stop so she got off and slowly walked back home with the thoughts on her mind...

-"Hi- Ky? Whats up? Why are you home so early?" Said Caden.

-"I left the party early"


Kyla let out a big sigh "I don't wanna talk about it"

Caden shrugged and went back to testing his skills with his Rubix cubes. 

[1013 Words]

Spider-Woman: In Her Spider-verseWhere stories live. Discover now