CHAPTER 6: The collider

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The whole way through walking back, following the others to wherever they were going, Kyla let puddles of tears soak her medical mask. The mask started to get uncomfortable so she changed it. She was shocked from what happened 5 minutes ago, she killed her friend. But, how did she get into this universe? How did Kyla here?

She saw the 5 spiders, Gwen, Peni, Peter Porker, Spider noir and Peter B swinging towards a dorm window at the school that looked a little different from hers. But obviously she knew it wasn't her school since she was in a different dimension and her school didn't have dorms.

She saw a black sketchbook with amazing graffiti being throw out the window, which was soon shot back by Peter.

-"Miles, what's wrong?" Kyla asked softly

She was soon taught that his uncle died. They all started talking on how their loved ones in their family died.

-"For me, it was my Uncle Ben" Peter B said

-"For me it was my uncle Benjamin"

-"For me it was my father"

-"It was my best friend..."

-"Wait so it supposed to happen..? Milla dying was, was planned?" She said, choking on her tears

They all nodded, looking super sad. Kyla took off her mask and took a deep breath.

-"I guess for me it was my c- Milla."

Peter porker looked at him and started speaking "Miles, the hardest part about this job is, you can't always save everybody"

Suddenly Miles' roommate barged into the room as loud music blasted in his headphones.

 -"at least he has good music taste." Kyla whispered.

He picked up a comic as all 7 spiders moved from corner to corner to get out of Ganke's sight. But it was too late to move another time because he had spotted the spiders on the wall.

-"Do animals talk in this dimension because I don't wanna freak him out..."The pig said, causing Ganke to faint. Miles put him in his bed and looked back to see everyone was now leaving the room.

-"What's going on?" He said, confused

-"Miles I came to say goodbye-"

Miles cut him off "We can say goodbye at the collider."

-"You're not getting it, you're staying here"

Peter started explaining that he's staying behind and closing the collider while everyone goes home to their dimensions. Miles then starts refusing to let him do such thing. 

-"I'm going to need the goober"

-"No I can't. What about MJ?"

-"Things don't always work out kid.."

Miles eyes widened and then he shook his head again, telling him he's not giving the computer chip. 

-"Miles you're gonna get yourself killed"

-"But I'm ready! I promise" Peter then kicked him which sent Miles flying into the air and was soon caught by the older spider man who was sticking on the ceiling

-"Then venom strike me or turn invisible on command to get past me" he said, sounding way too serious. 

The 5 spiders soon heard grunting outside his window. He was trying so hard to get his powers to work but it just wasn't enough.

Peter dropped him and webbed him into the rolling chair and left. Kyla peeked her head through the window and mouthed:

-"I'm sorry..."

She followed the others, looking as dorm room with every swing she made. She sighed and caught up to the others.

 -"So Kyla, you do...even know how this "new life" goes?" Peter raised and eyebrow while swinging.

-"All I know is that I have to save people..."

Peter nodded "That's one thing. But you cannot reveal your identity." She fixed her medical mask and nodded. Soon, they arrived to aunt May's house, or what was left of it. 

-"But you know you can't hide your identity with that, uh, "suit" he smirked and laughed quietly.

-"When will I get my suit?" Kyla asked

-"You don't GET your suit. You make it. It's a workshop, you can make anything"

-"ANYTHING?!" Her eyes light up in excitement, but not only her eyes, soon a bright pink aura around her formed. Her face turned confused and her aura changed orange. "Am I colour changing or something-" she looked around at her body. But that colour changing gave her a huge idea.

She grabbed glow-in-the-dark paint and added it over the white spider web lines on a black spider suit. She then grabbed her headphones and glow in the dark puffy stickers along with glow in the dark stars from her backpack and used a random nail glue from her bag to make the stars last forever on the headphones. She then got her converse and took it as an opportunity to clean then and redo the laces. She dyed the laces with the glow in the dark paint and added beads to them. She thought she was done but being the daughter of a very extra mom, she also dyed her webs in glow paint. She had finally finished and went to the washroom and changed into her brand new suit.

-"Be honest, is it nice?" She grinned nervously

-"we'll be able to see you in the dark that's for sure." Peter smirked

-"I love the colour blasts, Ky. Great job!" Gwen smiled placing a hand on my shoulder.

-"I can't see colour but the way you folks are describing it makes it seem so nice" Spider-noir said, tipping his fedora.

-"we should start looking for those villains." Peni said looking around

-"she's right, let's go" Peter nodded and went straight for the elevator. They all jumped in and swung towards to the bus stop.

-"The bus is going to be here in- oh, there it is!" Gwen smiled slightly under her mask

The bus pulled in-front of them and they stood in shock. A double decker bus filled with loads of people. Some people were even pushed against the windows! The doors of the bus struggled to open with the amount of people inside.

-"....We'll wait for the next bus" Gwen said in shock. The bus doors closed and left.

-"Next bus comes in...40 minutes" Peter groaned, cracking his back

It was already cold outside and snowing. Waiting for a bus in the snow for 40 minutes? Might as well swing there. But they didn't. They waited for the next bus to arrive.





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⏰ Last updated: Jan 20 ⏰

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