Chapter 1: The Fuhrer

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Authors Note:  If you want to get into the ambiance of the story I would suggest listening to Herald of the Change by Hans Zimmer from the Soundtrack of Dune on repeat.

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Since he was a small child Techno knew he was destined for battle. He knew it the first time he picked up a crappy wooden sword and started swinging it with no regard. He knew it the first time he held a blaster in his hands and could hit a target almost 200 feet away. He knew it when he held the sword that would swear him into the Council of High Fuhrers. Throughout his life, it has been clear what Techno's destiny was.

Both of his parents were high-ranking members of The Astral Defence Force of Terra, along with his grandparents, and almost every member of his family served as a part of the ADFT. When Terrans first started mucking around in space his ancestors helped found the ADFT to keep the planet safe from outside harm. His bloodline goes as far back as the ancient warriors of the old days that first made contact with extraterrestrials. The stars are in Techno's blood, along with the evergoing battle.

So it didn't come as a surprise to anyone when Techno rose to the position of High Fuhrer War when he was only 23 years old. Due to his inhuman intellect and ingenious battle tactics, Techno was quickly named one of the most essential battle assets on Terra.

It started when he was a High Commanding Ace working in the newly established Underwater colonies. He had been stationed at one of the deeper colonies located somewhere in the Atlantic Ocean. Due to the water pressure, they couldn't spare any energy for shields, this put the colony at great risk.

Techno had been there a few months but there were already rumors of an attack on the colony. Nobody took those rumours seriously because nobody except the military could afford ships that could function under the water pressure.
Nobody except Techno, when the colony was inevitably attacked the invaders didn't even get the chance to get out of their ships. The High Commanding Ace had managed to destroy the invader's ships with only a blaster and binoculars.

There were multiple different incidents like that one, and all of them were solved by Techno and his resourceful thinking. The Council of High Fuhrers assumed if he could do what he's done without proper materials, Techno would be unstoppable with proper materials. So that's why he's so important, that's why he constantly has a security escort of 5 guards or more. If anyone so much as glanced at the High Fuhrer oddly they would be met with hundreds of soldiers outside their door and truckloads full of explosives ready to be detonated at their feet.

High Fuhrer War, or just High Fuhrer Blade as he prefers it, was single-handedly responsible for uniting all of Terra under one cause. Uniting the planet under one government, one truth.

We're not alone out there.

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It was almost two years after Techno was sworn into the position of High Fuhrer War. He hadn't been a huge part of the High Fuhrer council because his role was really only important during times of war. Nevertheless, Techno took his job incredibly seriously. He never once let his guard down and it paid off, kind of.

It was early in the morning, probably about 1 or 2 AM and Techno was fast asleep inside his government-secured "home". It was more of a prison where Techno was both the most dangerous prisoner inside but also the warden who was in charge of everything. It took a while for him to get used to but after a few months, it was comforting for Techno to have a strict routine.

Techno was awoken from his slumber by a ringing. It was faint and muffled but Techno could hear it; his time in the recently founded underwater colonies had forced him to adapt much better hearing. He could no longer go out in the middle of rush hour, nor could he listen to loud music but Techno never valued those things much so it didn't bother him.

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