Chapter 2: Cargo

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Authors Note: CW - Mentions of Kidnapping, Slight Mentions of Organ Trafficking

If you want to get into the ambiance of the story I would suggest listening to Herald of the Change by Hans Zimmer from the Soundtrack of Dune, any of the Guardians of the Galaxy Soundtracks, or listen to the Subnautica soundtrack.

This chapter is more filler than anything, it's mainly here to set up the next few chapters which will hopefully be much more exciting.

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When Techno woke up the last place he expected to be was in a box. When he thought about being kidnapped by aliens he expected metal tables, bright lights, white walls, and science experiments. Not small wooden boxes.

Initially, Techno thought he was about the be buried alive but he quickly realized that wasn't the case due to the fact he was standing upright. Taking in more of his surroundings he found he was still in his uniform but he was lacking his weapons, medals, and communicator. Although the communicator probably wouldn't do him much good in space, Techno doubted there was any reception and he didn't even know who he could call to help him. It's not like the military had any far travelling war spacecraft.

Feeling around more the box he was in felt like a coffin, minus the super comfortable cushions and pillows. There was hardly any room for Techno to move, he could barely make enough space to lift his arms; it felt like the box had been pre-measured specifically for him. The wood itself kinda sucked if Techno was being honest, he already felt at least two splinters in his hands from just moving them along the walls. Techno assumed that it would be child's play breaking down the front face and escaping

There was only one thing holding him back, Techno had no idea what was waiting for him outside. For all he knew Techno could break out and be met with some deadly animal ready to bite his head off. Since Techno is rather fond of having his head attached to his body he made the executive decision to keep the box closed. At least until he could get a better sense of his surroundings.

About 30 minutes passed and there was still no activity happening outside of the box. The most exciting thing that happened was Techno's nose got itchy and he had to scratch it on the box because he couldn't move his hands to his face. A few more minutes passed and Techno was starting to get antsy, he never liked sitting or standing still, he constantly needed something to occupy him.

Just as Techno was about to take his chances with the outside world he heard noises, they sounded like voices except they weren't speaking any language he recognized. It sounded almost like a static radio, initially, Techno thought his ears were trolling him but after some time he realized that was just what their voices sounded like.

Techno looked around the box to see if anything else had changed. To his right there was a crack in the corner of the box, instead of the darkness that was previously there, it was replaced with a source of light.

After allowing his eyes to adjust to the newfound light Techno took the opportunity to scan his surroundings.

Wherever he was seemed decently busy judging by the number of people he could hear around him. He couldn't see any of the said people but he could make out they were separated into large groups. Looking directly outside Techno could see he was on some sort of dock, around the docks were large flatlands only broken up by the occasional rock or cliff. Closer to him were a few pieces of luggage, they resembled briefcases but there was something off about them, Techno couldn't quite put his finger on it.

He was stuck in a Techno-sized box, surrounded by possible alien life forms, scattered around him were other boxes and luggage, paired with tons of people just standing around doing nothing. Closing his eyes Techno tried to hear for any other indicators of where he was.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 20, 2023 ⏰

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