The Promise of the Fallen

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The Epic of Heroes,

is spoken by the tongues of men

written by the quills of the gods

and carved by the destiny of creation.

Then if this holds true

the hero who had failed us now

and who surrendered to the enemy,

he is my rival, my foe

whom I look at bitterly

for he had delivered us

unto evil

and into hell.

Now the gods themselves

have abandoned me

and all those among me.

Have we not provided good offerings?

I cry out to the divines above me,

"This was our fattiest cow

on our altar which we killed

our most innocent lamb

that bled for us

the limbs of the perfect creature,

who was torn apart!"

We have known no life,

 except a pious one.

Yet we are rewarded 

as if we have sinned.

Certainly, then the gods

favor our enemies

for even fate itself hates

the face and soul of my race.

Upon this weary coast

to there, in blood-soaked plains

 this vastness I cannot describe

with any worldly words alone.

Who has truly seen all things

if they had not heard their people cry

weeping for their sovereignty

their dignity

stripped and ripped from children

as if they were wild beasts

of this earth?

Hound dogs

who have smelt of many horrid things

like the rot of the soil

and bones of the dead

dare not cross the boundaries

that have been formed

by the corpses of my people.

It had been numerous

the causalities

seen as a tragedy by God

but was seen

as another day passed

to them against me.

How lonely it must be

to be the only

civilized man

among barbarians.

Barbarians disguised

as wise sages

who know nothing

but to cause torment

and agony on the weak!

I pity me

and all those who are alive among me

for it is in times like this

that I am grateful

that the slaughtered are dead

and spiteful that I live.

What horrid fate is this

that I must witness the destruction

of all which is sacred and Holy

of all which my eye can behold

curated and orchestrated,

sorely on the whims

of a distant conqueror

I have yet to know?

I only know of his heart

which has been revealed

through his various evils

of which he had bestowed

upon this land.

I know of him

and I know him as wicked

for if he is Satan,

then I am Lord.

I will rain down retribution

and do unto them

what had been done

unto me.

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