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This is only introduction n A/N notes, skip if you'd like, but I'd recommend if you're read it.

M/N L/N, Age 18, A definitely twisted troublemaker, although he's quite decent in his academics or intelligence, let's say, he's one hell of a trouble maker, a magician and a jester himself, he's quite the filth mouth and chaotic as hell, he gets into trouble every single day none stop, will that change if he suddenly got teleported (more like kidnapped) into a new world that he doesn't know a single detail about? Or will he stay the same in this collage full of wonder?

First Phase
Heartslabyul Dormitory

• Riddle Rosehearts
• Ace Trappola
• Deuce Spade
• Cater Diamond
• Trey Clover

- A/N

Call me Jester or Aster, he/him pronouns, I don't mind they/them though, you can call me something like author, i won't mind, stories will be updated 2 times in the weekends, be patient, i have school, if there are any grammar failures, please do comment about it, also, Yuu will either go by He/they, cause sometimes i forgot Yuu is any gender.. and, NRC is basically an only boys school, althoughhh, i just specifically use He/they for Yuu cause yes, Of course, M/N is he/him.

Criticism is allowed, although, i do not want to be called vulgar names or whatever, there will be slight nsfw shown, but not fully, such as only make outs or whatever as they are underage, i will not do smut or anything that is filthy towards the characters, again they are underage, smut is a rare occasion in these type of AUs in my works, if only it's an grown up AU, then it's alright for me to receive requests, may i say to you, I'm not half into the story yet, although, i am watching videos in YouTube for the story line, if you see <hc> or <ec>, it's likely to be <'hair color'> and <'eye color'> or whatsoever.

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