Prologue: (The Stranger's Awakening.) ⁰⁰¹

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'What's that noise...? Did i get kidnapped or what?' M/N slowly opens his eyes as he finds himself in a coffin shaped.. bed? More likely an actual coffin. "I better hurry up and find that uniform before someone spots me..." Someone or something mumbles outside the coffin. 'The hell? Am i in hell already?' M/N scrunches his face in confusion and concern.

"I better hurry up and find that uniform before someone spots me... "This lid weighs a ton!" M/N opens the coffin for a small peek as he saw a.. weasel? Or a cat? He doesn't have even know now. "Try this on for size! Mya-ha!" M/N panicked for the whatever being is inside the coffin as he burst out of the coffin. "Holy shit! Fire?!" M/N panics. "F-fire?!" The boy inside the coffin shouts. "Now to grab the goods... What?! You two ain't supposed to be awake!" The weasel shouts.

"A talking... weasel?!" The boy yelps as the weasel grimace. "How... How DARE YOU! I am no WEASEL! I'm Grim, sorcerer extraordinaire!" The weasel, now as known as Grim, spoke with a proud and egoistic face. "Tch. Whatever. You...human! Just gimme your uniform, and be quick about it!  'Cause if you don''re gonna regret it!" Grim basically hisses out loud.  "S-somebody help!" The wails for help. "Hey, come on! I'm on a tight schedule here!" Grim growls as M/N sighs. "The hell is this hallucinations- i shouldn't have ate that brownie that strange guy in the alley way gav-" M/N groans as he stares at the boy who was in the same situation as him. "I didn't even ate anything but slept, if this is your hallucinations then how the hell did i get dragged here while sleeping? Is this a dream or what ?!" The boy (Yuu) asked while shouting. "Ah goddamn it!" M/N curses as he pulls the boy out of the strange room, they ran for a few solid minutes as they stopped in a library.


"If this is a dream, I'm ready to wake up now." The boy basically slaps himself. "Same here, like who the hell would like to see a cat flying that can control blue fire or whatever- I'm M/N, by the way." M/N says sheepishly while heavily breathing. "Yeah, I'm Yuu." Yuu gasps for air. "Foolish human! Did you really think you could slip away from ME? Now, unless you wanna get burned to a crisp, take off that– Me-YEOW! That hurt! What gives?!" Grim hisses and yelps as  a man grabs Grim. "Consider it tough love." The man in a crow mask scoffs. "Ah. I've found you two at last. Splendid, I trust you're one of this year's new students?" He smiles, before the two (Yuu and M/N) could even reply, the man spoke. "My, were you ever eager to make your debut, And bringing a poorly trained familiar with you? That is a clear violation of the school's rules." The man shakes his head in disbelief, Grim wiggles in the man's hold while hissing and growling. "As if I'd serve some lowly human! Now lemme go!" Grim shouts. "Yes, yes. Rebellious familiars always say that. Do be quiet for a bit, won't you?" The man let's out a tch sound. "Mmmrph!"

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