Side Story ⁰⁰¹ (Not part of the main story.)

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"Dude, no matter how much we clean, day to night, it's still messy, the worse part, this isn't even my dorm!" M/N wails as he frowns. "You're the one who keeps coming back to me, you know?" Yuu scoffs as they scrub the floor while M/N fixes the holes on the ceiling.

"Look! I've been getting into trouble without getting caught by our housewarden! Well it's kind of a surprise but, Like- that shortie is basically The Queen of Hearts herself! And besides, you're my only friend right now, you know?" M/N pouts as he hammers the nail to the planks, he jumps down as he sat on the couch. "What do you mean by that?" Yuu asks while they throw away the piece of cloth he used to clean the floors and sits beside M/N. "It's like, he's so strict, I don't know how many rules are there! The rule i first got scolded was not wearing pink while painting the flamingos or whatever, like, i have pink clothes, it just hasn't been washed!" M/N complains as Yuu pats his back. "Honestly? Does seem bad.. luckily, i didn't get to be in school." Yuu giggles.

"Atleast i won't be staying in this trash of a dorm!" Yuu gasps dramatically at M/N's comment that offended him. "You! It's a work in progress, you know?! I won't be staying here for long anyway!" Yuu slaps the back of M/N's head as he yelps. "You didn't have to hit me that hard!"

"Oh, so you like pain, huh?!" Yuu flicks his forehead, M/N thinks for a moment. "..Maybe?" Yuu scrunches his face in slightly concern and disgust. "I-i'm joking! I'm joking!" M/N yells as Yuu looks at him up and down, not taking his answer. "Uh huh.." Yuu looks away as they move away from M/N. "Hey! I was joking! You!-" M/N lunges on Yuu to tickle them as M/N tickles Yuu's side, They laugh as they try to push M/N away. "M-M/N!- H-HEL- HAHA-" Yuu laughs out loud as M/N smiles widely at his successful plan. "It was a joke, you idiot! Besides! Don't kinkshame people!"

Yuu slaps M/N accidentally as he lands on the floor, the two goes quiet, very quiet, as the two suddenly burst out laughing, Grim appears out of nowhere. "Hey! Keep your voice down! What's yer problem?!" The weasel looks at the two boys laughing like maniacs. "HEL- Y-YUU- HE-" M/N couldn't even say a single thing as they bang on the floor, basically crying because of their laughter. "Wha- mreoww...! I was sleeping!" Yuu starts to calm down but M/N still wasn't calming down, "S-sorry- we were laughing abot something..-" Yuu clears their throat as M/N chokes and gasps for oxygen while laughing. "M/N! The hell- you're choking! Breathe idiot!" Yuu pats M/N's back while chuckling, M/N starts to calm down with a sigh. Grim grumbles something as he rolls his eyes. "Quiet down! I'm trying to sleep!" With that, Grim leaves, M/N looks at Yuu. "Wanna start cleaning again?" M/N asks as Yuu frowns. "Yeah no, we're resting."

"Come on! We should start cleaning right now so tomorrow you'll have less things to worry about!" M/N nudges Yuu with his elbow. "..Why just me?" Yuu raises an eyebrow. "Well~ this ain't my dorm sooo, not my dorm, not my responsibilities!" M/N shrugs while snickering as Yuu smacks his head. "Hey! Stop hitting me!" M/N pouts. "If you stop being a dimwit maybe i will." Yuu rolls his eyes as M/N sighs. "Maybe I'll sleep in your dorm for today, my ass is tired as hell." M/N grumbles as he lays his head on Yuu's lap. "Yeah, yeah, you're helping me tomorrow with chores, don't ya escape!" Yuu flicks M/N's forehead lightly as M/N giggles. "No promises~" Yuu sighs. "What am i going to do with you?"

"You're the one keeping me around sooo.." M/N hums as he closes his eyes. "Yeah, true, should've left you in that coffin." Yuu scoffs. "Hey! That's mean! How could you betray our friendship like that..!" M/N dramatically sobs in his hands as he pulls down his hands with a cheeky grin, he looks at Yuu. "What?" Yuu asks him. "Nothing, you're just ugl- ugh, um, pretty, yeah pretty.." M/N grumbles as Yuu smacks his chest. "You- I'll get back, just you wait, you damn gremlin!" Yuu narrows his eyes as M/N laughs.


Uhh, please take this instead of an update, it's a little short, but I am quite busy, I'll be changing the schedule to updates once or twice in weekends, (Friday, Saturday, Sunday.) Or potentially, I'll post some updates here and there out of spite, please forgive me. <3

Words with A/N: 834
Words without: 776

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