Prologue: (A Dismissive Ranking)⁰⁰³

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"Off with your head!" Riddle shouts, or more like shouts his spell's name. "MYAH?! What are you doing?!" A heart-shaped collar to lock around the Grim's neck. Riddle huffs "'The Queen of Heart's Rule 23: "One must never bring a cat to a formal affair.' Your very presence here is a violation of order. You will vacate these premises immediately." M/N stares at the collar, the design of the collar looks similar to one of his spells, although it was more black and white than red. "But I ain't a cat either!
Don't try to collar me! I'll burn it right off! Huh... Wh-what gives? My fire ain't workin'!" Grim tries to cast more fire to burn it, but, no fire came out. "Until I deign to remove that collar, you won't be using any magic. You're naught but a pet cat now." Riddle scoffs as he narrows his eyes.

"M-meoWHAT?! I ain't nobody's pet-NOTHING!" Grim hisses, very much like a cat while Grim's kitty face scrunches. "Oh, you've nothing to worry about there. I certainly have no interest in having you as a pet." Riddle utters a tsk as well as he frowns at the idea of taking Grim as a 'cat'. "Oh, you've nothing to worry about there. I certainly have no interest in having you as a pet. The collar will disappear once you're removed from campus."

Azul 'laughs' although it seems.. strained. "Ha-ha! Good show as always, Riddle. You're signature spell locks down any magic. It's quite handy. I've just GOT to have it-ah, I mean, I've just got to have respect for it." M/N cringes at Azul, the guy looks smart but, a little egoistical or whatever. 'Not gonna lie, pretty cringe...' M/N slips on to Yuu's side as he whispers to Yuu. "Hey, they're kinda weird here, Don't ya think?" Yuu looks at him. "To be honest..? Kinda."

"Yuu! M/N! Was I not clear that you are expected to take responsibility for your familiar?
Now discipline your- What's that? It isn't yours?" Yuu and M/N deadpans at Crowley as M/N nudges Yuu. "We've told you repeatedly that it isn't ours!" M/N frowns as well as Yuu sighs in disappointment. "Oh.. is that so?" Crowley clears his throat in awkwardness and embarrassment. "Then I shall have it expelled from campus. I shall even spare it from being served as dinner." Crowley said with pride and self-confidence. My, but I AM kind, ..Someone take this away, please."

"Nooooo! Let me gooooo!
You fools better remember my name! Cause I'm gonna go down in the annals of magic history! Just you wait!" Grim growls like it's the start of his villain arc. "I wonder why he was so desperate to stay here?" Yuu mumbles. "Eh, Dunno, maybe it's because it's basically a magic school or whatever." M/N shrugs, Yuu looks content with M/N's answer because he nodded. "Well, that was quite the unexpected fracas. I hereby declare that orientation has concluded. Housewardens, please escort your students back to the dorms." Crowley says as he looks back to the students. "Hm? Come to think of it, I don't see Housewarden Draconia of House Diasomnia anywhere." He searches the students in the orientation, although, still no sign of the Housewarden. "And that surprises you? Dude's a total recluse." The boy with lion ears scoffs as he looks away. "Wait a sec.. Did anyone even invite him?" Kalim asks in concern and confusion. "If you're that worried about him missing out, maybe you should have told him yourself." The handsome boy stares down Kalim. "Maybe, but I don't know him too well either.." Kalim whispers in pessimism. "

"Draconia... Like, Malleus Draconia? THAT Draconia?" A students gossips to his friend. "So it's true? He really does go to school here?" Another student speaks up. "Yikes." Third student says. 'Bro.. is that Malleus Drago- or whatever that great or sum?' M/N thinks on what type of person is this 'Malleus' person is. "Ah. Just as I'd expected. I figured I'd come down and see for myself whether Malleus had made an appearance. But once again, he was evidently not informed that his presence was required at an official ceremony." A boy with black and pink hair, and with a surprisingly deep voice suddenly appears. "You have my sincerest apologies. I assure you, this oversight was in no way intended as a snub." Azul says in a apologetic tone. "I mean, you must admit, he's not exactly the easiest person to strike up a conversation with." Riddle confesses with a sigh. "No matter. All who were assigned to House Diasomnia, follow me. I just hope he doesn't sulk about this." The new arrived boy announces. "Well, Yuu. This is a most unfortunate turn of events. I'm afraid that you will not be attending Night Raven Collage after all. Surely you realize that I cannot very well admit a student with no magical ability to my academy. But worry not. The Dark Mirror will see you safely home." Crowley explains in a slightly disappointed tone, M/N frowns, Yuu is basically his new friend, well, M/N thinks so, so Yuu is now his friend. "Now, step into the gate, and visualize the place you whence you came." M/N nudges Yuu. "Ya really wanna leave me here?" M/N pouts as Yuu laughs. "Well i'm sure you'll do fine here." "Mmph, yeah whatever." M/N rolls his eyes as he snickers and pushes Yuu gently to the mirror, Yuu sighs and looks at the mirror. "Aigo.. What a long dream this was." Yuu mumbles to himself to not be heard. "O Dark Mirror! Return this soul to where it belongs!" Crowley said semi-shouting as the Dark Mirror didn't respond. "..." Crowley awkwardly looks away for a second. "L-let us, er...try this again. O Dark Mirror! Return this soul-"

"There is no such place." The Dark Mirror cuts off Crowley. "...What?" Crowley asks in disbelief and bewilderment. "There is no place in this world where this soul belongs. None." The Dark Mirror confesses as M/N raises an eyebrow. 'So he's not from here or something? Did he get isekai'd or what..' M/N snickers a little at his thought. "How can that be? My, but today is a veritable cavalcade of impossible phenomena!" Crowley shouts in doubt and skepticism since this never ever have happened before, The Dark Mirror never 'malfunctions' so that isn't it! The Dark Mirror stays quiet as Crowley turns to Yuu. "This has never happended throughout my long tenure. I must confess that I am at something of a loss. Tell me, From what land do you hail?"

"Sure i'm from.. Japan." Yuu says as M/N raises and eyebrow. 'Where the hell is that- oh wait, he isn't from this world.. ohhh..' M/N just not realizes again. "I'm afraid I am not familiar with such a place. I am intimately acquainted with the origins of every student who has ever come here, and yet... This mysterious homeland of your eludes me. Let us go to the library and look it up, shall we?" Crowley smiles a little.

A/N -

Chapter 4 will be posted later or tomorrow, since I haven't rested yet, please do wait a little, that's all.

Words with A/N: 1241
Words without: 1211

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