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✧ . * . Miami Trip Day 1 . * . ✧

Sierra's Pov
June 1st, 2025
Sunday, Afternoon 1:58 pm

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☞︎ .   "We made it to Miami bitches!" Laila shouted as soon as we walked into our hotel room separated from everyone else's. It's me, Laila, Lyriic, and Gia all together in one room; there are two beds to two of us can share one each. The boys are sharing one room and then our moms are sharing one. The plane ride was alright on our way here considering we had first class.

I sat in the middle between Gia and Lyriic while Laila sat with her mom. The boys sat with each other like always, meanwhile, our parents sat by each other as well. I don't know in what order cause I didn't care to ask or even pay attention— I was just ready to lay down and go, to sleep since we stayed out pretty much all night. we didn't make it home until four in the morning; an hour before our flight took off.

The Previous Day .

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The group of young teens are now walking around the streets of New York. Laughing, gossiping and a couple of them even being quiet watching the others. That would be Sierra and Notti. Everyone else doesn't even notice them being quiet or them being behind them as well.

Sierra has her slushy in her hand; regretting that she brought it with her while they were walking because of how cold it is to her hand. She's only quiet because of her thoughts about the trip wondering how it's gonna go, if they're all gonna make it back as friends still, if she's gonna leave talking to someone to get over Notti, and much more.

Yet most of all is just going somewhere that's not New York. She's been places before that's not her home but to Miami! That's a big dream she's been wanting to meet for a long while. The fact that she's going with her friends and their moms means a lot to her seeing that she's been knowing Lyriic and Gia for more than three years so them going somewhere together brings her joy.

As for the boys since she met them about three years ago and this will be her first trip with them makes her wonder how they act when they're away from home. The things she has seen on TikTok, Instagram, and maybe Twitter show that they act out when they're gone. Now for Laila.. she has mixed emotions for her at the moment.

Mainly because of what's been going on and she's not trying to let that get between them or the trip but it's not helping with any of it. She's been a couple of places with Laila through the years of knowing her and enjoyed every moment of it— that's when they were close and didn't have any problems. She wishes it could go back to how it was. Nonetheless, things change, people change, feelings change and people get older.

𝐎𝐮𝐫 𝐒𝐞𝐜𝐫𝐞𝐭- 𝐍𝐨𝐭𝐭𝐢 𝐎𝐬𝐚𝐦𝐚Where stories live. Discover now