Chapter Three

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Author's Note:

I'm hoping you're enjoying this so far! I'm planning on it being a bit of a slow burn, so buckle up and feel the angst. Also, I'm unsure of a publishing schedule, but I'm going to try to keep it to at least once a week if I'm able!

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The sunlight was nearly nonexistent when I opened my eyes some hours later with an enormous headache. I was told this might be the case after overdosing, but I was hoping this particular side effect wouldn't be an issue. Yet, here it was and so was I. Groaning and pulling the covers over my head to make the pain subside, I heard shuffling from the floor next to me. I pulled the blanket back just enough to poke my eyes out, squinting to see if Noah was stirring at all. He'd definitely fallen asleep after me last night.

Low and behold, he was still snoozing on the air mattress, his own blanket barely covering him as he was sprawled out. He looked to be made of all limbs with how he was laying. Sleep shorts, no shirt, tattoos very clearly showing through the darkness that was still his room. The only light came from the tower of his computer.

My phone said it was near seven in the morning, meaning it was nine Tennessee time. In other words, still too damn early for me to be awake, but I had slept a good portion yesterday due to the hospital visit. If anything, I was hungry and needed some sort of food before I puked. This headache was growing into a nightmare and I really didn't want to anger it further. It took a lot of blinking and adjusting my eyes to the darkness around me to see where I was going, but I finally made it to the door.

A hand grabbed my ankle and I screamed, kicking out at what I was slowly realizing was Noah having his own death wish.

"What the absolute hell is wrong with you?!" I screamed, kicking blindly around me to hopefully maim him.

"I saw an opportunity and I took it." The smugness could be heard clearly albeit lazily from sleep, even if I could hardly see his expression. Knowing him, he was mocking me.

"It's too fucking early for this." The sheer terror I'd felt for those few seconds mixed with the screaming had my head grinding. It was getting to the point where it was affecting my sight, but I refused to let a fucking migraine take me out. I needed food or more sleep. Probably both, but right now I was willing to choose one or the other and be done with the day.

"Hey, you good?" Noah sat up, eyes squinting toward where I stood as I gripped my head and closed my eyes. "Need me to get you something?"

Shaking my head, I frowned. "I can't take anything." It was the sad truth as I had not only used over-the-counter pills to end my unfortunate life, but my liver wouldn't be able to handle anything for at least a month. Maybe more if I really wanted to play it safe. No, I had to chug water and basically keep myself hydrated and well fed so as not to upset any further balance my life had to offer.

"Shit," I'd heard as I finally opened the door and instantly regretted it. The hall was well lit which wasn't helping matters with my head and my vision. Making a mental note to never leave from under the covers again, I went to the bathroom before coming back to Noah's room. There was water on the bedside as well as some kind of tea. It was likely some kind of herbal shit, but I was grateful regardless. I was assuming having any kind of harsh caffeine would set me off too, but I'd sooner take my chances than go without. I was only human.

"Thanks," muttering under my breath as I heard him hum from the floor, I drank the water and wondered aloud, "Where's Nick?" It was shocking to find only Jolly here yesterday and not Nick and Folio. Almost as long as Noah had known Nick, I had as well. There was something wrong if Nick knew I was here and didn't crash a door down.

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