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MARCH 31, 2023
7:49 P.M

"No brain?"


"You don't hear anything?"

Alabama smiled up at the young girl that sat on the edge of the hospital bed as she shook her head 'No'. Alabama had been at the hospital on a shift after being called in during the night. She was only on the clock for ten more minutes until shes able to go to her apartment, and go to bed. She was in one of her newly but usual patients room, a young girl of seven.

Anastasia had been admitted to the hospital for the first time eight months ago. Her mother brought her in at four-thirty in the morning, worried about the cluster of bruises that was on her body unexpectedly. After they sat in the waiting room for two hours, they were finally able to get checked out.

After two days of Anastasia being in the hospital, all of the tests they did on her came back, and she was confirmed of having leukemia.

In the past eight months, it had became normal for Anastasia to relaspe in a way, for her health to decline, and for her to come back to the hospital. So by now, Alabama had became Anastasia's friend, since Anastasia was assigned to Alabama every time she came.

Alabama was kneeling on the floor in-front of Anastasia's bed as Anastasia held the bottomd of a stethoscope to Alabama's head. Anastasia gave Alabama a bright smile, as she shook her head from left to right telling Alabama that she didn't have a brain inside of her head.

"Noo, no brain-" Anastasia cut herself off with a gasp before talking in a whisper, "if you go bye-bye does that mean Doctor Reefs is going to be my doctor instead of you?" She asked while her smile faded.

Alabama chuckled at Anastasia's attempt of pronouncing 'Reeves' before shaking her head 'No', "I'm not going anywhere, ma'am. I'll take care of you as long as you're in here!" She answered her question.

"But what happens when I'm old? And what happens when I get better?" Anastasia asked while putting the diaphragm onto her own head to listen if she had a brain in there, letting a confused expression run across her face when she wasn't able to hear her own brain.

Alabama let out an over dramatic gasp at her words before talking, "What are you talking about, Stasia? You're my best friend, you're never getting rid of me, even when you're better!" She said as she rested her hands against Anastasia's knees.

"You're my best friend too!"

"I better be, I know you haven't been eating my chips for nothing." Alabama replied as she looked at the younger girl with a 'of course' look on her face.

Anastasia now had a small, shy smile rested on her face as she was called out for always eating Alabama's chips, "Do you have any Cheetos?" She asked, in a small whisper.

Alabama got up from her kneeling position in-front of the bed before talking, "I know I have something you'd eat in my lunch, let me go get it." She said as she turned to the door that was opened, "I'll be right back, okay?"

Anastasia nodded enthusiastically, letting Alabama know that she understood before she brought both hands up to her head to take the stethoscope out of her ears and set it onto the bed next to her.

Walking out of Anastasia's room and into the hallway, she started to make her way to the main area where Alabama's bag was. Usually her belongings resided in the locker room, but she brought everything out to her desk thirty minutes ago since she was about to clock out.

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