
644 34 18

MAY 31, 2023
10:48 P.M

Although it was nearing eleven at night, and Alabama had church with her aunt in the morning, she was still at Duke's house. She and him had been up talking, all night together. Even though they had put Capri to bed hours before.

Alabama had two glasses of wine, courtesy of Duke. He referred to it as a, 'Welcome to my house' gift. Then, she proceeded to laugh and tell him she was supposed to bring the welcoming gift—but still accepted the glass. So now they were both two glasses in, trying to quiet their laughs from waking Capri up since she was sleeping upstairs.

The two were sitting on the large sectional in Dukes living room. Alabama was sitting to the right of Duke, with her feet pulled up slightly underneath her. He was sitting to her right with his feet stretched out in-front of him on the ottoman.

He shook his head with a smile on his face, "Nah, Ion think so."

Alabama gasped, "Nope. We cannot be friends anymore." She shook her head in disbelief.

He smacked his teeth and scrunched his face up, "Man—what? 'Cause I'm voicing my opinion? That's bogus Bama."

"You can voice your opinion all you want, but when it comes to my show? Nah. You play by what I say."

Duke threw his head back, laughing, "Luh girl think she's the coach of some'n."

Alabama covered her face with her hand to hide that fact that she was laughing with him, "Okay but actually, you've barely even watched it and you want to hate on it! Give my girls a chancee." She dragged.

He looked over at her, "Man—I am tryin'. How am I suppose to like this when Crazy Eyes actually actin' crazy? The cook puttin' bloody tampons in sandwiches, man? Shits nasty."

She playfully rolled her eyes, "You just don't get it. You're a man, you wouldn't get it. This is a girls show."

He smacked his teeth, "Bama I'm tryin' to get it. Man it's this drink. Next time we together, we're not goin' to drink anything. Then I'ma watch your show, aight?"

"Who said I even wanted to watch this with you again? You've just sat here and hated like a man. Shaking my head, shaking my head." She shook her head, hiding her smile from him.

"You're never goin' to give me another chance? You ain't even want to sit and watch my show though? You so bogus."

"Tell me how I'm bogus but you're the one that doesn't feed his guests, chile. Big girl hasn't eaten in what—eight hours or something."

His jaw fell, forming an 'O' with his mouth as he stared at her, before he started to laugh. "Nahh. You lyin' big right now. We just ate dinner together, P." He laughed. "You hungry though? Is that what it is?"

She had a closed-lip smile resting on her face as she nodded her head. He chuckled as he pushed the ottoman out from the couch with his feet before standing up. He patted her thigh twice, "C'mon, fat. Let's go see what we got." He held his hand out for her to grab, so he can help her stand up from the couch.

After the short walk to the kitchen, Alabama made her way to the pantry while Duke sat on one of the stools that sat at the island. Scanning all of the shelves in the pantry—which was more than she was expecting. She didn't see anything that she wanted or sounded good.

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⏰ Last updated: May 13 ⏰

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