
785 37 3

MAY 25, 2023
11:32 A.M

Letting out a frustrated groan, he took his headphones off and walked out of the booth he was in.

"Man, Ian gon' get shit done with all these people in hea'." He ran a hand down his face, walking over to the desk his producer was sat at.

The room was filled with smoke, so much that it covered his vision. On the couches, there were random girls, barely covered with clothes. They clung onto random men with big chains, and they played Duke's music in the background.

His producer, Mac, turned around in his chair so he was able to look at everyone that was sat around the room, "Aye, y'all needa' shut the fuck up or get out. Let him do what he needa' do."

Duke didn't even know anyone that was in the room, besides his friend, Loyal. He assumed that everyone else in the room was somewhat connected to him—somehow.

He shook his head from left to right, now that the room was finally quiet, "Nah."

He reached down and grabbed his phone from the desk, "I needa' go anyways. Capri 'nd I gotta' day togetha'."

Walking to the door that led to the hallways of the studio building, he opened it before turning back to everyone in the room and looking at Loyal, "Yo goofy ass bring all these people in hea' again, I'ma beat yo ass."

He watched as Loyal blew out the smoke from his mouth as he stared at Duke. Before he slowly nodded, and slightly but not subtly push the girl that was on his lap off and made her sit on the couch next to him.

Walking out of the studio he made his way to the elevator so he could make his way back to his house. Stepping into the elevator, he pressed the 'L' button, sending him to the lobby of the building.

It only took around 45 seconds for him to reach the ground level. Stepping out of the elevator her headed straight for the front doors. Walking out of the building and into the parking lot, he made his way to his spot where he parked every time.

Walking up to the blacked out 2024 BMW X5 M, with highly illegal tints. He had many cars, but this one was his favorite when it really came down to it. There was plenty of room in the backseat for Capri, and the interior was fully customized to his liking. It was the perfect car for him and Capri—you can't put a kid in the back of a sports car.

He got in the drivers seat and hid the 'start engine' button. He pulled his phone out of his right pocket of his sweatpants and hit the four digits on his home screen and going to his messages.

The third thread down, he clicked on it and hit the tiny arrow that was next to the contact name, and hitting FaceTime. He waiting throughout all the rings for an answer, but when he didn't see the 'connecting', the call ended.

He turned his phone off and placed it in his lap, and then he put his car in drive, pulling out of his parking spot.

He drove for almost five minutes, before the ringing of a FaceTime call tuned into his attention. Looking down at his lap, he could see the call being returned. He hit the green button on the bottom of the screen and waited for it to connect.

When the call finally connected, the booming voice came through his speakers, "Daddy, where you at?"

He chuckled, "I'ma be on my way baby, aight? I'ma be there in thirty minutes."

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