
863 37 1

APRIL 15, 2023
2:39 P.M

"Amari, room D328 is ringing. Please go check it out."

She let out a sigh before answering her boss, "Yes, sir." Alabama replied, as she gave Chief Versailles a closed lip smile as she stood up from her desk. She pushed her chair in, before she placed her pens back into her scrubs pocket - retiring them from the previous paperwork she was doing.

She walked around the section of desks before she made her way to the hallway, not needing to look at the room numbers since she knew where everything was in the months that she's interned there.

After twenty seconds of walking, she finally came across the room that was to her left. She looked up to the light that sat above the door, like any other room.

Yes, the nurse call light was going off.

She brought her left hand up to the door, giving a curt knock before she opened the door. Whoever the patient was that was in the room, wasn't Alabama's. She wasn't even aware of who was in the room.

As she peeked her head inside of the room, she looked over to the bed. Sitting on the bed was a young girl, maybe around the age of four or five. She had Fulani braids that went about five inches past her shoulders. Throughout her braids she had gold braid clips, and at the bottom of her braids she had white beads.

Alabama took notice that she seemed to be the only person in the room, not seeing a parent with her at all. The young girl looked away from the TV, where she was watching Toy Story.

The girl didn't say anything, but she lifted her left hand up into the air and gave Alabama a wave. Alabama was confused on why her call light was on, she didn't seem like she needed help. She gave the girl that was sitting on the bed a smile, showing her perfect rows of teeth, before she walked to the end of the bed to grab the clip board.

"Everything alright?" She asked, as she flipped through the files before looking at her name, Capri Dennis.

The girl nodded her head, fast. She had a smile on her face that showed her baby teeth.

Alabama walked to the edge of the bed before she picked up the remote control where patients called for their nurses from, "Did you press this?"

"You're pretty."

Alabama let a smile break out onto her face, "Thank you, Capri."

"How do you know my name?"

Alabama leaned in a little closer, as she whispered to the girl, "Don't tell anyone, but I know everyone's name in here." She said in a hushed tone, as if she was saying was confidential.

"What's my mommy's name?"

Alabama just stared at her, "I just don't know her name. Hey—where is your momma?"

Capri pointed to the ensuite bathroom that every room in the hospital came with, "She's arguing with my daddy on the phone," She said as she played with the beads in one of her braids, "they be arguing a lot."

"Oh, well-"

Capri cut her off, "What's your name?"

"My name is Alabama."

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