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APRIL 29, 2023
11:12 A.M

"Yoo B, wassup lil girl?" Adonis' voice was heard through the other side of the phone.

"Nothin' right now. What do you want?"

"Shi, jus' tryna ask if you wanted ta' make me that Cajun Shrimp Pasta shit. Y'know? Been cravin' that like a muhfucker."

Alabama sprayed her coffee table down, since she was in the middle of cleaning her apartment when Adonis called her.

She twisted her face, "That's it? No sides or nothing? Just the pasta?"

"What fuckin' side's be goin' wit' pasta?"

She rolled her eyes, "I know you're not stupid. What do I always put next to your pasta when I make it?"

"My fuckin' fork?"

"Garlic bread, Adonis. Break sticks? You know what—just go to the store and get everything that I need for it and be here by like, six."

"Why I got a curfew for dinner?"

"Because I'm not tryna be up all night. Plus Anya and Ziva are comin' over." She said as she picked up her paper towels and made her way to the kitchen so she could throw them away.

"What 'bout Kofi 'nd Trell?"

She set her phone on the counter so she opened her fridge and get a drink out, "They can come too." She said with a shrug.

"Aight. We all gon' be there."

She nodded as she got orange juice out of the fridge and a glass out of her cabinet before pouring it, "Bye Donny, be safe. Love you."

He smacked his teeth, "Nah, you outta tell me to stay dangerous."

She mugged her phone, "Then you outta stay at home, the fuck."

"I'ma see you later, love you B."

She blew a kiss to the screen before she hung up, so she could finish cleaning. Taking a sip out of her drink, she walked back over to the sink so she could get more stuff out.

Leaning down she opened the cabinets and got out the toilet bowl cleaner so she could go work on the bathrooms in her apartment. While she was under there she grabbed the Lysol wipes and a mirror cleaner, so she didn't have to come back out to the kitchen in the middle of cleaning.

While she held everything in her arms she grabbed the paper towels that she put onto the counter and made her way to the hallway bathroom.

About two hours later, she was finally done with her entire apartment. She had the random motivation to get up this morning and deep clean her entire house.

It wasn't that she was a dirty person, but lately she had been just so busy at the hospital. She was working 12 hour days, and she just didn't have the energy to come home after her shifts and clean her house.

So, when she did get home, she kept her dinners short and simple. She usually went with a bowl of cereal most of the time, or she'd order food.

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