chapter one: stalked

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10:00 am saturday

On this beautiful Saturday morning, Margebrine and Kat are out chatting about drawing, favorite drinks, food, artists, music, etc. walking to the coffee shop, mainly due to Margebrine wanting a cup of nice coffee, needing it after staying up all night. He wore a blue shirt with purple pants and gray shoes, like herobrine, with his glowing white eyes, but a bit mixed. Having marges simpsons necklace, nose, and hair, but is a bit less stiff. Along with having the same skin color as her. Kat on the other hand had cat ears that are the same color as her pink hair, wearing a blue shirt with gray pants, with her hair hiding his eyes with brown shoes. Walking up to the coffee shop and entering the building, Marge talks.

Marge: "Do you want coffee? I'm willing to pay."

Kat: "No, I'm good."

M: "You sure?"

K: "yea."

Marge walks up to the counter and speaks to the counter server:

M: "Hello, can I get a white chocolate mocha with 2 chocolate donuts?"

Counter server: "yea, anything else?"

M: "no that's all"

Cs: " ok that will be $8.45"

Marge pulls out his wallet, paying in cash.

Marge walks back over to kat

K: "wow you must be hungry too?"

M: "no i just got you a donut"

K: "but i said i was good"

M: "i asked if you wanted a coffee not a donut"

K: "... smart a**"

Kat punches marge in the shoulder as they both chuckle

Cs: "order for marge"

Marge proceeds to walk over and grab his order still chuckling, then walks back over to Kat handing her a donut. as they walk out of the shop, marge gets a call, he looks at the name, immediately knowing its dazed.

M: "yello?"

Dazed: "YOOO WHAT'S GOOD!" marge pulls a bit away from his phone from how loud he spoke.

M: "OH! Sup dazed? How are you doing?"

D: "I'm doing pretty well, just hanging out playing some games, how about you?"

M: "Me and Kat went out for coffee, and were now heading to the park"

D: -gasp- "you didn't invite me??"

M: "you were asleep sleepy butt"

D: "oh"

M: "I would have gotten you some coffee if you answered me"

D: "my fault then"

M: "yeah anyways i'm gonna go, ight?"

D: "ight, see ya soon"

As Marge hangs up, Kat continues to walk along the path while Marge scrolls through twitter, and within a few seconds runs into a light pole.

M: "ow!"

K: "careful dude thats a light pole"

M: "WhEN DId ThIS PolE GeT HeRE???"

K: "bro get off your phone, why are you even on it while walking?"

M: "... ok fair point."

Marge puts his phone away paying attention on the path ahead of him, as Kat chuckles.
They both continue walking, talking about a lot of things like games and movies.

Walking into the park they sit onto a bench still chatting as a 6 feet man in the distance stares at them, they are both unaware of the man in their presences.

He proceeds to stare for 2 minutes before marge looks around feeling a bit unsettled.

M: "hey... uhh, do you feel like you're being stared at?" looking around.

K: "uhhh... no why?"

M: "i- ... sorry i think i might be a bit on edge, should we head to my house?"

K: "actually should we head over to dazed and play some games with him?"

M: "sure"

They both get up and head in the direction towards dazed's house, as the tall man follows them from afar

11:30 am

They both arrive at dazed's house as Kat knocks on his door. The door opens with dazed standing in front of them, with his headphones on his neck, his light gray hair looking like he just got out of bed covered by his gray hoodie, wearing black pants, and black socks.

D: "Oh sh** I didn't expect you guys to be here, it's a bit of a mess."

M: "that's fine, we've all been there"

Walking in you can see dazed tv hanging on the wall, with wires leading from the shelf next to it. Having multiple games and 2 gaming consoles next to the games, across from the tv is a table with a few games on it and controls to one side, and a cup full of soda and a plate with 2 pizzas.

M: "Are you enjoying your weekend?" he says while smiling

D: " bro i get to have some pizza, soda, and get to play my favorite game!"

Marge proceeds to chuckle, sitting onto the couch.

M: "alright let's get started."

7:00 pm

As kat and dazed play some street fighters 5, marge watches the tv, they are taking turns, each time they lose. right out the corner of his eye marge sees a shadowy figure walk by the window. Quickly turning his head, sadly, was unable to see who was lurking around the house, shrugging off what he thought he saw, turning towards the tv.
Seeing it once again behind seeing it in the window behind him he begins to feel unnerved. Kat looks over at him.

K: "Are you good?"

Marge looks outside then looks at kat

M: "Yeah.. I'm ok, did you not see that?"

D: " i mean it is raining you could have seen some rain"

M: "alright...i'm gonna use the bathroom"

Marges walks into the bathroom locking the door, looking into the mirror leaning on the sink staring at himself, thinking. Soon he heads back out into the living room.

M: "yo i'm gonna head back home, see y'all tomorrow?"

K & D: "ight see you tomorrow"

Kat and dazed waves marge out the door. The light from the house floods out into the darkness, as marge walks out, he shuts the door, the only light there is, is the street lights. He walks along the path in the dark as rain trickles down his face, walking along the concrete path. As he walks along the path, he feels a pair of eyes on him, looking around while walking. Feeling nervous he speeds up a bit.

8:00 pm

He finally gets home soaking wet. As he heads to the kitchen he hears a knock on the door.

M: "Who is knocking at this time?"

Marge looks through the peep-hole to look through the hole. It's the same man from the park. Waiting at the door. He has a bad feeling just by looking at him. Marge doesn't answer it, and just heads to the kitchen making a sandwich. The man continues to pound on the door, expecting Marge to answer, before rattling the door handle. Marge stays silent throughout this entire thing, though a bit panicked. The man then tries to break down the door, as the sound echoes through the house. Marge rushes to his room, opening the drawer next to his bed, pulling out a gun and some ammunition. As he loads it the sound of the door being broken down bangs through the hall, Similar to a gunshot. His heart is pumping. He shut his door and locks it. A few minutes, sounds of things falling and breaking are heard in the living room. stands right in front of his bed staring at the door. It's quiet for a few seconds then his house is filled with the sound of footsteps. Marge's heart is pumping faster. Fear fills his eyes, as the footsteps grow louder and louder, getting closer and closer. Then it stops, the door handle begins to rattle, Then there's banging on the door. Marge stands there aiming the gun at the door. After a minute the banging stops. Marge, still standing in fear, stares at the door before approaching it slowly, putting his ear up against it. It's quiet. VERY, quiet. He waits for a few moments before unlocking the door, and opens it, looking out into the living room. The door is in ruins with pieces all over the floor, and his tv is shattered all over the carpeted floor. Walking around, he quickly gets his dry shoes running back into his room before quickly trading his wet shoes out for them. Marge quickly flees out of his bedroom stopping at his living room looking around, looking for any sign of the man. The lights suddenly cut. Marge runs out of the house into his backyard, dropping the gun. Looking for a safe place to hide. Panicking he runs into his shed, shutting the shed door hiding behind a pile of boxes. Within a few minutes the sound of the shed door is heard opening. Marge breathes quieter, closing his eyes he is filled with fear before the sound of footsteps walk into the shed. Marge opens his eyes, seeing a shadowy figure above him, holding an axe. As the figure raises the weapon, Marge screams with fear before it goes dark.

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