○Chapter Twelve○

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The twins were silent. The oldest one spoke first, "You're... different. And we think... you'll save us."

"What is with people thinking I'm going to save them...?" I muttered softly. My voice began to hurt, more than it did earlier.

The younger tightened his hold on me. He seemed so worried for me... probably from what Eclipse had told me. He must not want to see me splattered everywhere, despite my blood being all over the floor already.

"It's just a gut feeling, Y/N," Sun said softly. His head was placed on my shoulder, his arms around my torso. He clearly didn't want to let go. Ever.

I saw Moon look around the room and give a sigh. The bloody mess would be really fun to clean... it might be stained, though..


I rested in my room. Well... by rested, I mean I was just sitting on the bed that had gotten replacement sheets. From outside the room I was alone in, I heard someone walking closer to this room.

The door opened, and Eclipse entered. "My boys were right. I'm surprised you've lasted a week since then. But let's see if you can last a week more, with the care of Mars."

Only one response was given. It wasn't verbal. No, it was just a glare. I hated Mars. Everyone she's 'cared for' hates her, even her own brothers hate her.

"You'll be here, so it won't be often. And, me and my boys are taking a small, week-long trip to the beach," he closed his eyes as he imagined the amount of laughter they'd have without Solar or Mars. "Oh, yeah, we're leaving tomorrow."

I sent a scowl in his direct. He grinned and then turned toward the door and just walked out. The moment he did, one of the twins walked inside. It was Moon.

He sat next to me on the bed, and as he was about to say something, I spoke up first. "I'll be fine. I won't hurt myself."

"You better not... we want you alive when we get back, please," his tone was soft and worried. Both he and Sun didn't like me being alone, nor did they trust me by myself for more than a few hours. And, I mean, I don't blame them.

Short chapter.. I know, it's sad. But I ran out of ideas to further the chapter. The next one should be longer, though.

Now then, have a great Day/Night/Evening, my fellow weirdos!

420 Words

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