○Chapter Thirty○

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TW: Murder, description of violence

"You two... are so cuddly.." I muttered with a smile as the twins cuddled into me. It's been two days since I've been back, and they do this all day!

"Is that a problem?" Sun asked with a muffled tone as his face was just planted into my chest. Moon was nuzzling his face in the crook of my neck.

Although, my eyes widened when I felt Moon's teeth lightly nibble on the skin, being cautious of the previous cracking. At least he was gentle about this.

"Moon... stop.." I said with embarrassment. My face grew slightly red when he didn't stop doing small love nibbles.

I'm starting to think he has a thing for biting. Either that or he's cannibalistic. I'm unsure how to feel about the second option...

"I'm thinking of meeting my mother tomorrow. Do you want to meet her?" I asked the two. Their heads moved away from me so they could speak without muttering.

Sun looked suspicious, while Moon was... cautious. Moon asked, "Is this an invitation to watch you murder your mother?"

"Me? Murder? Never~," I said sarcastically. "Yes, it is."

A sigh left both of their mouths. Slowly, Moon nodded first. Sun following the same motion. "Sure... we'll go.."

"I don't want to force you!" I said quickly after, since I had heard the unsurity in Sun's tone of voice.

"It's fine... we're fine with going.." Sun said as he just placed his face on my chest again.

I felt so bad... maybe I shouldn't have suggested going.. I should've just gone to her house and not told them...

Fuck it. I'm going earlier than expected. I don't want them to be weirded out or uncomfortable around my mother. I'll kill her alone. No witnesses.


I didn't go to sleep. I haven't slept. It's roughly 2 in the morning, and I snuck out of their cuddle embrace.

Usually, I would've put on my average type of outfit, but today, I put on my every other week average outfit. A black hoodie, some sweat pants, and some dark gray running shoes. I left the house, making sure everyone was still sleeping. What I didn't know was that... Theo, Gina, and Jacky were awake and watching.

In the dark of the night, I somehow knew which way to go. I have a somewhat good memory, hence why I can recognize footsteps.

I knew the way I came from... so the direction of the front door is facing toward the opposite way of the house, it basically faces the sun, as does the entrance of the house. And from the way of the door... I go to the left.

My feet moved toward the road. The quietness was deafening if it weren't for the added sound of my shoes doing rhythmic clacks along the ground. I sighed tiredly as I walked. I don't know how far away it is exactly... but.. I should get there before the sun sets later today.


It was midday... I took turns and curves, and I'm now in front of my house. The car my mother owns sitting right there, in the driveway. My hands clenched as I slowly knocked on the door.

Within seconds, the door opened. My mother's eyes went wide after she saw I was alive..

Just as she began to close the door, I forced myself inside. "Hello, mother."

"Brat." She nodded at me. Her arms crossed as she scoffed at me.

"I have a gift for you, Olia," I grinned toward my mother as my hand reached into my pocket. She looked confused until I slowly pulled out the item. She backed away in a panic.

A few hours ago, with Sun and Moon

"Sun! Moon!" Theo yelled as he entered the room the twins slept in.

At first, they were just waking up and thought nothing of it. Until.. they noticed their lover wasn't beside them. The brothers looked toward the three little cousins.

"I think Y/N went to fond auntie! And– and... it was at 2 in the morning! We don't know where they are!" Jacky spoke in a panicked tone. She was so nervous about her oldest cousin being gone.

Immediately, they hopped out of the bed and threw on an oversized hoodie. "Do you know where your aunt lives?" Moon asked. His response was a nod from Gina. "Can you lead us there?" And again, there was another nod.

They left the house, not bothering to say bye to the others in the house. Gina led the way since they were the quickest at walking. Theo and Jacky were beside them as they could easily remember directions. Theo remembers how long to go in a direction, and Jacky knows which turn to take.

With the speed and, surprisingly, easy navigation, they made it to the house in only a few hours. Roughly noon.

The door was wide open, and the cousins just decided not to go inside and just huddled together outside by the door. Sun and Moon, however, evetered the house.

In the house. They saw me standing over my mother. She was crying and begging for mercy, I wasn't having any of it. I had the syringe stabbed into her stomach, like she did to me before. I also held a knife as it dripped with fresh blood.

Olia was covered in stab wounds, cuts, slices, rips, and tears. She cried heavily. "Please! Y/N, stop!"

"Never. But... I want you to do one thing for me before I kill you," I grinned, not knowing Sun and Moon were watching me.

The knife I held went into her mouth and cut her cheeks into a smile, like the creepypasta of Jeff the Killer. As I did, she screamed out again. Probably getting the attention of neighbors.

"Y/N! Stop attacking your mother!" Sun yelled from behind me. I turned my head and looked surprised they were there. I smiled innocently at them as I stood up, still standing in a puddle of blood.

"Hello boys! Say hi to my mother!" I smiled happily as I looked at her. She had a look that pleaded for help. However, the twins didn't do anything. Well, apart from weakly waving at her.

"What did you want me to do...?" I heard the muffled voice of my mother ask.

I leaned down and told her a few smile words. "Smile For Me."

Even if she died frowning, the carved smile made it look like she smiled. I turned toward the boys, and they weren't at all disgusted. Instead, they came up to me and softly kissed my cheeks.

After this whole... fiasco, me, the twins, and my cousins went back to the house. Forever ignoring the murders I've done.


This is the last chapter, I'm terribly sorry if you wanted more.

And, I hope having a long chapter made a good finale one.

The next book I'm making is called:
¿No! You can't leave!¿

Try and guess what it'll be about.

Now then! Have a great Day/Night/Evening, my fellow weirdos!

1186 Words

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