○Chapter Twenty-Eight○

130 2 12

TW: Stabbed

Cynthia was the only one awake, aside me and the twins, that is. She just stared in shock. The cracks that were once there had healed up. Yes, they were there, but more so... as scars. The only sign of damage on my body is my bloodied hands and broken leg.

Needless to say, she was not happy to see me again. Though, she acted like it. "Oh my god... Hey, Y/N..."

"Hey, Cynthia," I said with anger in my tone. The both of us forced a smile at the other. Clearly, I'm not happy. I'm more so angered, while Bird is... annoyed? Upset? I don't really know exactly how she feels, but it's not joy.

"I'm glad you're back..." she said while turning away. Her eyes were looking toward a door. It was designed to be childlike, so it's probably for the younger ones that are still here. "I was going to... get you.."

I walked up to her, grabbed her by the collar of her shirt. "Liar." My tone was angered as I scowled at her. "You were going to leave me to die!"

"Hey, hey, Y/N, dear, calm down..." Sun came up to me and placed a hand on my shoulder. "Don't hurt her..."

A grin formed upon my face. "I fully intend to go against what you told me, Sun. But... Hailie won't have a sister after I'm done."

"What..?" Bird stepped back in worry. "I.. I don't think I ever told you her name.."

"The only reason I was caught was because I wanted a serum. And I so happened to find out everyone's names. And, the best part of all is that I have two serums!" I smiled widely. It sent fear through Cynthia and the twins. "One for my mother! And. One. For. You."

Immediately, Cynthia backed away. She pressed herself against the wall in fear. Her gaze traveling back forth from the door and me. I stepped closer to her, my hand reaching into my pocket.

Her eyes widened in fear. Sun and Moon were yelling at me to stop, but I just drowned out their voices. I got closer. And closer. And closer.

Soon enough, I was nearly right in front of Cynthia. I was about to take my hand out of my pocket when I felt someone hug me. Their small arms wrapped around my body. I stopped moving and looked at who it was.

"Y/N... please don't hurt her.." Gina mumbled. They... they were awake.

"Oh.. Gina... I won't.. not today, at least," I crouched down and hugged my little cousin. "But... she did leave me behind."

They nodded, they knew. "But she shouldn't be hurt for it."

"Go back to bed, hun," I patted her head as I tried to stand back up. However, Gina didn't let go. "Gina. Go to bed."

Slowly, they let go. Looking down at the ground, they said, "Y/N... hurting her will make you like auntie."

"Revenge is not abuse... in most cases," I told her softly. And with reluctance, Gina went back to her bed, closing the door.

My head turned toward Cynthia, who was frozen against the wall. But.. she now held something behind her back. I was about to step closer and take the syringe from my pocket, but...

A sharp object.. a knife... entered my stomach. Somehow, right where my mother injected the previous serum...

She stabbed me. How. Fucking. Dare. She.

As she quickly removed the knife from my stomach, I hunched over and gripped the wound with now fresh blood pooling out. I glared at Bird before remembering... Sun and Moon were in the room.. why didn't they stop her...?


Ooooo~ I wonder what will happen.

Now then! Have a great Day/Night/Evening, my fellow weirdos!

638 Words

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