young one

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"What's the mission all about, Amber?" Paimon quizzically inquired, her curiosity piqued.

Amber furrowed her brow. "I got a message from Jean, our grand acting master. She mentioned that merchants and travelers have been assaulted by a... Pokémon with a flaming mane." She shaded her eyes with her hand, scanning the horizon for any signs of the elusive creature.

Aether turned to [Name], the only Pokémon trainer in their group, and asked, "Do you have any idea which Pokémon that could be?"

"A mane of fire...." [Name] muttered to themselves, brows furrowed in concentration. Suddenly, their face lit up as if they had a eureka moment. "Yes, it's either a Ponyta or Rapidash!" They nodded with certainty.

"Ponyta and Rapidash?" Amber repeated, intrigued by the names.

Rotomdex, seizing the opportunity to provide some more information, flew in front of the group, halting them in their tracks. Nobody seemed annoyed; instead, they all stared at the Pokedex's screen with curiosity.

"First up, Ponyta!" Rotomdex announced, displaying an image of the creature. It resembled a horse with cream-colored fur, brown eyes, and triangular ears featuring reddish interiors. Its most striking features were the yellow and reddish-orange flames that composed its fiery mane and tail.

Ponyta, the Fire Horse Pokemon. A fire type. It can't run properly when it's newly born. As it races around with others of its kind, its legs grow stronger. If you've been accepted by Ponyta, its burning mane is mysteriously no longer hot to the touch.

"It doesn't look that scary!" Paimon remarked, her tiny hands resting confidently on her hips.

"Yes, because it's considered more of a baby, but Rapidash is-"

"I'm getting there!" Rotomdex interjected, a hint of playful annoyance in its digital voice. They playfully rolled their eyes but left it up to the Pokedex to explain. It swiftly replaced the image of Ponyta with a similar-looking creature but with some notable differences. This version had cream-colored fur and a pointed horn on its forehead. Its eyes were small and red, and it sported triangular ears with reddish interiors. The most striking feature was the vibrant yellow and reddish-orange flames streaming from the back of its head, forming a long, flowing mane.

Rapidash, the Fire Horse Pokemon. A fire type. The evolved form of Ponyta. This Pokémon can be seen galloping through fields at speeds of up to 150 mph, its fiery mane fluttering in the wind. The fastest runner becomes the leader, and it decides the herd's pace and direction of travel.

"That is so fast!" Amber exclaimed, her eyes widening slightly in amazement.

"And looks tough. I would think...Rapidash is the one that is mentioned in your mission, Amber." Aether taps his chin in thought as he studies the Pokemon on screen. He assumes that the bigger and stronger-looking Pokemon is the likely culprit.

"Possible, but Pokemon are known to not harm others unless provoked." [Name] mentioned, but did not dare bring up Alpha Pokemon. They don't think that Alpha or Hisuian Pokemon existed but it is something they kept note of to research later.

"Well, something is causing either of these Pokémon to harm people along the paths," Paimon pointed out with a worried expression. "Paimon thinks we should hurry before it hurts anyone else."

"Wait, one thing," Amber raised a finger. "What do you mean by 'evolve'?"

"I can explain that!" Rotomdex chimed in. "When a Pokémon evolves, it undergoes a transformation and becomes a different, often stronger Pokémon. However, not all Pokémon evolve; some stay the same throughout their lives."

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