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"Kaeya! You've arrived just in time!" Amber exclaimed with visible relief. "We need t-o"

This enigmatic figure known as Kaeya interrupted her with a chuckle. "Hold on, Amber. You seem to be overlooking introductions." With a sly grin, he indicated towards the travelers.

"Oh..." Amber chuckled nervously. "This is Kaeya, our Cavalry Captain." She gestured toward him, her other hand nervously rubbing her neck. "Kaeya, these are three travelers from afar - [Name], Aether, and Paimon. They're here in search of the Anemo Archon." She introduced each of them. [Name] waved a greeting, Aether nodded politely, and Paimon stared at him with her usual curiosity.

"I understand," Kaeya said blithely, his arms crossed. "I'd offer a warmer welcome, but, as you can see, the timing isn't the best. Still, I'm quite intrigued about your visit to meet Lord Barbatos. I won't get my hopes up, though. I admit I am curious why. Everyone has their secrets, as they say." His tone remained casual, masking any deeper curiosity he might have.

"Well, Aether?" [Name] glanced at the blond-haired adventurer.

"The more people who know, the better," Aether responded with a bitter smile. "I'm here because my sister has gone missing."

Kaeya's eyes gained a melancholic glint, and [Name] couldn't help but wonder why. Yet, they decided it might be better not to ask. "I see. Due to the trouble with Stormterror, we're a bit stretched thin right now. I'm sorry, Aether."

Aether nodded in understanding, a wistful smile on his face. "Don't worry, I completely understand."

"Well, the Acting Grand Master of the Knights of Favonius is also very interested in meeting you guys formally and has extended an invitation to our headquarters. Perhaps you can ask her if anyone reports any sightings of your sibling... Think of it as thanks for your help with protecting our city," Kaeya offered with an easygoing smile.

"I think we should go," [Name] mumbled to Aether and Paimon.

"Paimon agrees. Maybe we can find information on the Anemo Archon too," Paimon whispered, cupping her palm over her mouth.

"True," Aether replied as he gazed at Kaeya with a steady look. "Please do lead the way, sir Kaeya."

"No need for 'sir'; Kaeya is just fine!" He chuckled as he led the group to the building.

It didn't take long for the group to make it to the office of the Grand Acting Master. Kaeya opened the door, with Amber leading the others inside. The room was adorned with various scrolls, books, and a distinct magical aura. [Name] noticed two females in the room.

"Wow. They're so pretty," Paimon whispered to the travelers. [Name] and Aether nodded in agreement.

The one with a purple hat clearly heard and giggled with a charming smile. "Why, thank you, cuties."

"Lisa, don't go flattering them now," Amber laughed, placing her hands on her hips.

The trio gained flustered looks from being caught, their cheeks tinted with a rosy hue.

"Lisa, you should stop teasing people," Jean halfheartedly scolded her with a small smile.

Lisa laughed. "Awe, don't be like that, Jean."

Jean shook her head and gave the trio a small, tired smile. [Name] noticed black eye bags under her eyes and stress showing in her gaze. This dragon problem must have been going on for a while, longer than they thought, for sure. "Mondstadt welcomes you, Windborne travelers. I am Jean, Acting Grand Master of the Knights of Favonius. You heard me calling the woman Lisa." She gestured to the witch-hat-wearing female. "This is Lisa, our resident librarian. I am sorry we couldn't give a much warmer welcome."

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